Wie is hier goed in Engels en kan dit goed zonder spelfouten even verbeteren? Omzetten naar modern Engels dan :'3
when thee’s life build on sins.. So shall thy fate be settled… whom has faith in thee and whom does not… But keep in thyr mind: thee wil suffer for thyr sins.. as long as man lives… There will be war… As long as our species sin.. So shall never appear the divine… God hates the sin… But loves thy sinners. But thy past will come back to thee.. And never you existed thee. Now that sins are made and sinners are raised. So are the chains of fate be forged and be bound to the neverending sinner… Bound to thy souls to never be broken again.. thy minds be rotten. Whom does sorrow these fate? Not the sinners. But thee must not mistaken what it appears to be.. Sinners are those who do not regret sorrows nor sins… As long as thee regret thy sins and thee’s sorrows.. So shall life return to thy rotten mind thee.. And that brings life to thee…

[ bericht aangepast op 30 sep 2011 - 16:41 ]
I'd rather die than be famous.