Some things are changing too much.
If you spread your wings, you can fly away with me.
Wait ik lees 21 oktober en 21 november op twitter;o
What's so bad about being different?
Nouis schreef: Wait ik lees 21 oktober en 21 november op twitter;o
HAAAAI ROBIN. Lmfao, dit topic is cool. :]
We accept the love we think we deserve.
NIAM schreef: (...)ja ik ook, volgens mij is het 21 november.
NIAM schreef: 0_0 OMFGGGGG, SO CUUUUTTEEEEE. ''There is no hell, no heaven either. This world is what we make of it.''
''There is no hell, no heaven either. This world is what we make of it.''
xJoellaMalik schreef: Ik ga nog steeds dood om Liam en Harry (:IK VIND ZE TE SCHATTIG <3 If you spread your wings, you can fly away with me.
NIAM schreef: 0_0 HE IS SO CUTE<3 What's so bad about being different?
Ik dacht dat het 21 November was (:
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring!
NIAM schreef: 0_0 wooow It's like I'm finally awake - One Direction.
It's like I'm finally awake - One Direction.
Bradford schreef: Ik dacht dat het 21 November was (:
Louisholic schreef: HAAAAI ROBIN. Lmfao, dit topic is cool. :]
ELIZA, waar woon je ergens? want misschien wil je dan ook wel naar onze mini-meeting komen in Roosendaal, en anders naar onze grotere in Utrecht? (: