• For everyone who believes in Drarry:

    Klik voor inschrijven gezamenlijke drarrystory! :D

    The story of all stories

    Er zijn twee Slytherin Princes die met The Darkest Love van elkaar houden -maar eigenlijk elkaars Perfect Enemy zijn en- Being Wacthed kinky vinden,(those Bad boys) die op me wachten en als ik te laat ben hebben ze weer last van Erased Love en dan breekt The Afterwar los. En geloof me dan is er geen plaats voor Forgiveness & Reconciliation. Ze moesten natuurlijk eerst wel wat Changes ondergaan maar hé We all have our scars. Ik zei nog tegen hen:
    "Never fall in love"
    Maar gezien ze dat hele Frenemy gedoe zat waren zei de ene:
    "I guess the urge to kiss you is just expressing how much I hate you."
    waarop de andere zei:
    "How could you love me when your heart is stone cold?"
    Ik zei nog zo:
    "When you play with fire you get burnt."
    Maar ze hadden er geen oor naar en toen ze in de problemen kwamen vroeg ik:
    "Would you kill for the one you love?"
    Waarop de ene heimelijk zei:
    "Killers are quiet."
    "Ja, we zullen vechten als Snakes&Lions," zei de andere.
    Nu is hun relatie Surreptitious&Mellifluous, maar ik vind ze best schattig zo.

    List of awesome Drarryheads:
    Cockney = Elise
    Drarry = Nicky
    DrarryMORE = Rosa
    DrarryOn = Evelien
    DrarryPotter = Evelien
    DrarryVamp = Elise
    Dray = Karin
    FeltCliffe = Kimberly
    Lickilicky = Kristy
    LoveLost = Sharon -Afwezig tot eind september-
    Malfoymania = Maria
    Obliviatum = Lies
    Pemberley = Stephanie
    Pukkelxding = Annick
    Simonella = Simone

    'DracoCervus is extreem besmettelijk, dus als je niet besmet wilt worden: rechtsboven is het vaccin, gewoon even klikken'.



    Dramione-lovers: gtfo.

    [ bericht aangepast op 2 sep 2011 - 22:16 ]

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Tom Felton: "There is a bit at Malfoy Manor where I go right up to Dan's face, I could have sworn we were gonna kiss because we are only an inch away."

    Tom Felton: "Yates made Dan and I struggle at Malfoy Manor."

    Tom Felton: "For all I know, Harry and Draco could get together."

    Tom Felton: "Harry and Draco have a very weird love/hate relationship."

    Daniel Radcliffe: "I love to hang around Tom because he is handsome."

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    moet ik stoppen??
    het is nogal heel veel.
    Dan en Tom doen niets anders dan Feltcliffe en Drarry shippen :'D

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    Oeh, Dan. (wbw)
    Yes, Tom is handsome, I can't blame you for that.

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    Interviewer: "Where would you rather be now, at this very moment?"
    Daniel Radcliffe: "With Tom."

    Tom Felton: "We're not enemies, we love each other really."

    Tom Felton: "I would love to do a Brokeback Mountain style movie with Dan."

    Tom Felton: "The nod Draco gives Harry during the epilogue is a sweet and
    real moment."

    Tom Felton: "I can't wait to see how Dan and I will look when we are older."

    Tom Felton: "Dan and I love being physical with each other."

    Tom Felton: "Me and Daniel had a wand fight in the bathroom. God it sounds wrong."

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    Oké, het is officieel, ik kijk altijd eerst naar de handen. En vind jongens daardoor aantrekkelijk. :'D

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    Waarom geeft Tom niet gewoon toe dat hij Drarry shipt? -_-'

    Interviewer: "Daniel, do you think your interest in girls is more intense for you than for Harry Potter?"
    Daniel Radcliffe: "Possibly. I don’t know. I don’t think so, to be honest. I’m not sure. If girls like me, that’s fantastic. We’ll have to wait and see. I go to Japan and they all scream and go mad, and that happens all over the world. But that’s a different type of me. That’s the me that’s on red carpets and stuff. That’s who a lot of people seem to be attracted to or fancy and stuff. But the me who sits in a dark room for eight hours watching [TV] with a big bowl of pasta, in my socks underwear, isn’t nearly as appealing to women."
    Tom Felton: "Beautifully answered!"


    nu stop ik, ik irriteer jullie denk ik

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    DrarryVamp schreef:
    Waarom geeft Tom niet gewoon toe dat hij Drarry shipt? -_-'

    Echt, dan kan Elise ook een button voor hem maken. 8D

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    Obliviatum schreef:
    Tom Felton: "I would love to do a Brokeback Mountain style movie with Dan."


    Drarry schreef:

    Echt, dan kan Elise ook een button voor hem maken. 8D

    Jaaah! (banana)

    Drarry schreef:
    Oké, het is officieel, ik kijk altijd eerst naar de handen. En vind jongens daardoor aantrekkelijk. :'D


    DrarryVamp schreef:

    Echt waar. Ik heb er eens op gelet, en alle mannelijke personen die ik aantrekkelijk vind/vond hebben mooie handen. :'D

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    Good evening.

    Soms ben ik het sterkste wijf ter wereld en soms ben ik een kwartelei.

    Tom Felton: "When we’re not trying to kill each other with spells, we just sit in in Daniel’s dressing room watching cricket games on television."
    Interviewer: "Who would you rather be stuck in a lift with Rupert or Daniel?"

    Tom Felton: "That's impossible the question maybe because either one.uhhhh I'd probably go with Daniel I know because we do we do a lot of hours away talking nonsense anyway so it probably wouldn't feel so so so maddening."

    Interviewer: "Would you mind engaging intimately with Dan on screen?"
    Tom Felton: "I wouldn't mind."

    Interviewer: "You just had a recent cricket match with Slytherin and Gryffindor -- and Slytherin won!"
    "Thank you, I'm glad you brought that up. We didn't actually win, we smashed them. For those of you not familiar with this, we do a Gryffindor/Slytherin cricket match every year, and last year my team lost. Dan takes it very seriously - very, very seriously. So this year I thought, "I'm going to get back at him." And we literally wiped the floor with his team. So yeah, very happy about that. Until next year." -Tom Felton

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    @Nicky; Haha omg vreemde obsessie. :'D
    @Pemberly; Ben jij hier nieuw? ;D