• For everyone who believes in Drarry:

    Klik voor inschrijven gezamenlijke drarrystory! :D

    The story of all stories

    Er zijn twee Slytherin Princes die met The Darkest Love van elkaar houden -maar eigenlijk elkaars Perfect Enemy zijn en- Being Wacthed kinky vinden,(those Bad boys) die op me wachten en als ik te laat ben hebben ze weer last van Erased Love en dan breekt The Afterwar los. En geloof me dan is er geen plaats voor Forgiveness & Reconciliation. Ze moesten natuurlijk eerst wel wat Changes ondergaan maar hé We all have our scars. Ik zei nog tegen hen:
    "Never fall in love"
    Maar gezien ze dat hele Frenemy gedoe zat waren zei de ene:
    "I guess the urge to kiss you is just expressing how much I hate you."
    waarop de andere zei:
    "How could you love me when your heart is stone cold?"
    Ik zei nog zo:
    "When you play with fire you get burnt."
    Maar ze hadden er geen oor naar en toen ze in de problemen kwamen vroeg ik:
    "Would you kill for the one you love?"
    Waarop de ene heimelijk zei:
    "Killers are quiet."
    "Ja, we zullen vechten als Snakes&Lions," zei de andere.
    Nu is hun relatie Surreptitious&Mellifluous, maar ik vind ze best schattig zo.

    List of awesome Drarryheads:
    Cockney = Elise
    Drarry = Nicky
    DrarryMORE = Rosa
    DrarryOn = Evelien
    DrarryPotter = Evelien
    DrarryVamp = Elise
    Dray = Karin
    FeltCliffe = Kimberly
    Lickilicky = Kristy
    LoveLost = Sharon -Afwezig tot eind september-
    Malfoymania = Maria
    Obliviatum = Lies
    Pemberley = Stephanie
    Pukkelxding = Annick
    Simonella = Simone

    'DracoCervus is extreem besmettelijk, dus als je niet besmet wilt worden: rechtsboven is het vaccin, gewoon even klikken'.



    Dramione-lovers: gtfo.

    [ bericht aangepast op 2 sep 2011 - 22:16 ]

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    ik wil een nieuwe naam, welke zou ik nemen??
    ... (er komen misschien nog :'D)
    misschien een pokémon naam :3

    [ bericht aangepast op 2 sep 2011 - 18:47 ]

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    GoDrarry, vind ik wel leuk (bloos)

    If you don't understand my silence, you will never understand my words.

    -komt weer binnenlopen-

    Het is dodig hier.

    It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds...

    ik hou mijn oude naam :3

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    Ik ga de mijne veranderen als ik hem kan veranderen, deze vind ik lelijk =P

    It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds...

    Tom Felton: "Harry and Draco save each others lives so it's more than just a bitters school rivalry."

    Interviewer: "How is your relationship with Daniel Radcliffe?"
    Tom Felton: "We're very good friends. Before I used to love saying we couldn't stand each other, but in reality we get along great. We both love cricket and we talk about it a lot. We're very passionate about music, although our taste in music is very different. He likes more underground and punk music."

    Tom Felton: "I want to be a in a movie where I am the hero and Daniel is the villain. I want to save his life."

    Want some More??

    [ bericht aangepast op 2 sep 2011 - 19:15 ]

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    The tension between Felton and Racliffe on screen is palpable, so their real-life relationship might surprise some viewers. "Me and Tom on this film have had a great time," Radcliffe says. "We've actually grown quite close on this film, as well. We really get on very, very well. That's been lovely. From what I can see, Tom has given a really, really great performance that is very in queue with what is in the script rather than what I suspect might be in the next one."

    Daniel Radcliffe:"The tension had been building up, and me and Tom had been stemming the flow for years, and suddenly we get to fight each other. [He says seriously] No, it was great. For me, it was brilliant. Tom has been kind of, on the basis of this film, quite under-used in the other films. And things have happened and there hasn't been so much of Malfoy. But luckily, this time around, Malfoy gets a real showing, and Tom does brilliantly in it. It was a pleasure to act alongside him.
    Tom Felton: "Daniel and I have been talking about it for ages, and we are excited to see what we look like 19 years later. We want to make sure that it's flattering and we don't look like 60-year-old's."

    Tom Felton: "Cricket had brought us together."

    Tom Felton: "Obviously I feel for the guy, I know he's got a very strong head on him and I know he'll sail through this one easily. It's not easy, but no one can do it better than Daniel."
    Tom Felton: "I read that the other day, and I was like, 'What the hell is that about? I haven't seen Dan walking around naked—not on the set anyway. The changing room is a different thing—I'm joking. No, I hadn't heard anything of it. Dan hasn't mentioned it."

    [ bericht aangepast op 2 sep 2011 - 19:14 ]

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    Tom Felton: "I'm a "bad character who lives in order to 'torture' Harry"

    Tom Felton: "I think it's fair to say we were fairly horrific actors, I mean, Daniel and I, we cringe, I mean...we can't watch those earlier ones"
    Tom Felton on the sixth film: "He thinks he's going to do it, and he revels in the chance to be the chosen one, if you will. He likes to think he's equally strong-willed as Harry, and whatever Harry can do, he can do better. But deep down, he knows he can't do it. There's a real conflict of emotions."

    Tom Felton: "Daniel loves it in the makeup room.He thumps it out — we're talking 6 in the morning — some '60s ska/punk band. It's like, 'All right, man!' He loves it."

    I can keep going

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    Feltcliffe FTW!!

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry


    Hallo lieverdjes. :3

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    Tom Felton: "Daniel [Radcliffe] is the figurehead of the series, so when we see him battered and abused and scarred [while in character] on set, you get all emotional."

    Interviewer: "In J.K. Rowling's final scene, we seen Draco and Harry as adults, almost nodding to each other at the train station. What do you think happened to Draco in the meantime?"
    Tom Felton: "It's all beautifully left to interpretation, isn't it? I really hadn't given it too much thought, but one thing I got from that final scene is that there is that recognition moment between Harry and Draco as they put their kids on the train, and it's a very real moment, and very touching. I can only hope the filmmakers actually use us on the day they shoot that [scene, and not older actors]. I like to think that Draco has slightly separated himself from his family and his kid isn't as annoying as he was as a kid."

    Die laatste geeft mij inspiratie voor een nieuwe story. GVD Tom, why are you doing this to me?? D:

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    @Nicky; Hello love!

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    Tom Felton on Deathly Hallow: "We have shot some really interesting stuff with me and Daniel — me saving him and him saving me. For once, we're not just bickering!"

    Tom Felton: At one point you know we kinda kiss each other"

    Tom Felton: "Most HP fans prefer to see Dan and I as a couple. Wait, that's not what I meant, can I say it again?" Announcer: "You are still live" and Tom, "Well, I guess that's out there now."

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    @Nicky: Dagdag.^^