• Dat las ik 2 seconden geleden op twitter +hier

    The 23-year-old confirmed the news on her website writing, "Hello everyone! This weekend, Mike and I are celebrating our 1-year anniversary! In memory of the special day, we decided to post some of our favorite pictures from our wedding! I can't believe it has already been a year, time really flies when you're having fun! We also want to share the exciting news that BABY MAKES THREE!!! We are extremely happy and ready to start this new chapter of our lives. Thanks to everyone for the continued love and support throughout the years!"

    [ bericht aangepast op 14 aug 2011 - 22:26 ]

    Oh, wat ontzettend leuk voor haar (krul)

    I was an angel living in the garden of evil

    Ahw zo leuk hehe :'D

    They were never in fact homeless

    Is ze al getrouwd xd? Met wie dan?

    To infinity and beyond •

    Fidelity schreef:
    I'm happy for her.

    Until u love u.

    grapefruit schreef:
    23 vind ik persoonlijk best jong om al een kind te hebben...

    helemaal mee eens (:

    maar natuurlijk ben ik wel blij voor d'r !

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 aug 2011 - 18:09 ]

    stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you

    grapefruit schreef:
    23 vind ik persoonlijk best jong om al een kind te hebben...

    Mijn zus is een jaar geleden bevallen, en zij was 23 (:

    "I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples, bastards and broken things."