• Bevat spoilers seizoen 2 & 3

    “That triangle is going to continue to play out between Tyler and Caroline and Matt, who is our only human [left standing]— who is now in the know, and so that’s going to get fun,” Williamson promised. “My best friend a werewolf. The girl that I love is a vampire, and where do I fit in all of this?


    Season three opens the door to learn more about Klaus and The Original Family as his motives for wanting Stefan on his side are finally revealed. As Stefan sinks deeper into the dark side, Damon and Elena struggle with the guilt of their growing bond even as they work together to bring Stefan back from the edge. The ghosts from Jeremy’s past have a powerful message they’re trying to deliver to him, not to mention the impact they’re having on his relationship with Bonnie. And as Caroline and Tyler grow closer, a war erupts between their families."


    The panel opened with a sizzle reel that highlighted some of the best moments from previous seasons... and one hot moment from the Season 3 premiere. We weren't allowed to record the video clips, so we'll do our best to describe it in great detail here. Elena is walking through the Salvatore mansion, putting her hair up, and getting ready to go out when Damon steps out of his bedroom, soaking wet, covered in soap suds, and completely naked. There was definitely some dialogue in here, but we were too distracted to notice... as was Elena.

    Nee, serieus? Ik had gehoopt dat we eindelijk van klootzak Matt verlost waren en Caroline haar gedachten volledig op Tyler zou focussen, want geef toe - die twee zijn perfect voor elkaar. Stomme schrijvers, u sux. Wat vinden jullie ervan? & wat denken jullie dat er zal gebeuren in seizoen 3? Want ik benieuwd naar alle theorien :3

    [ bericht aangepast op 6 aug 2011 - 12:58 ]


    Tulsa schreef:

    Nee, John heeft haar gered he? Ze was dood, maar omdat John via een manier te weten is gekomen hoe hij haar ziel kon redden, is ze opnieuw tot leven gekomen, maar hij is wel dood moeten gaan daarvoor.

    Ohja dat is waar... Godver, John was zo leuk ):


    youleftme schreef:
    Ohja dat is waar... Godver, John was zo leuk ):

    Inderdaad _O_

    The panel opened with a sizzle reel that highlighted some of the best moments from previous seasons... and one hot moment from the Season 3 premiere. We weren't allowed to record the video clips, so we'll do our best to describe it in great detail here. Elena is walking through the Salvatore mansion, putting her hair up, and getting ready to go out when Damon steps out of his bedroom, soaking wet, covered in soap suds, and completely naked. There was definitely some dialogue in here, but we were too distracted to notice... as was Elena.


    youleftme schreef:
    Haha mij maakt het niet super veel uit, ik ben eerder benieuwd naar het hele stefan, damon en elena gedoe! ;o

    Ik lach de wereld uit, en dans mijn twijfels weg

    Edit, er is een filmpje van Damons naaktscene :')


    Hmpf ik moet seizoen 2 nog bekijken XD alleen heb dr nog geen zin voor gehad XD
    + lezen ga ik niet doen.. of nog niet.. niet allebei tegelijk xd

    Always though that I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true, cause I think you're so good & I'm nothing like you

    Tulsa schreef:
    Edit, er is een filmpje van Damons naaktscene :')

    omijngod zwaar seksie (krul)

    Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind

    oh my god, damon :9~


    Beter Elena en Damon samen. Dat wil ik juist. Ik haat dat good guy gedrag van Stefan. Gimme some baaad.

    Gradually, then suddenly..

    Ik heb alleen nog maar seizoen 1 gekeken....(A)