• All Time Low - Painting Flowers


    tyr - wild Rover

    Kendall Schmidt-Memories & Melodies <3

    If people are trying to bring you down, it means you're above them.

    Weight of the World - Evanescence

    'Zoef zoef WAF mreeeeeeeeeew vroem tring tring' - De straat. Aan te raden, erg ontspannend.

    It's time to be happy again.

    Dices schreef:
    Nicki Minaj - Super Bass

    "In the end, everything will be okay. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end"

    He says: "Live fast and die young, forget the past and move on. What's done is done."

    Rihanna - Man Down

    "In the end, everything will be okay. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end"

    Demi Lovato - This Is Me

    "In the end, everything will be okay. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end"

    Skinny Love - Birdy

    Glennis Grace - Always

    Music is the new sex

    Rumor Mill - We Are The In Crowd

    Nicole Scherzinger - You will be loved

    stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you

    bigbang - top of the world

    | Reality is for people that lack imagination |