• ik mag een nieuwe naam
    mr ik kan dus niet kiezen xD

    Destay (houden?)

    stemmen maar!

    Where words fail, music speaks


    Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit. - Seneca

    > Titel aangepast.

    Destay houden.

    Everything is quiet, except for all the voices in my head that say your name.


    *klop klop* Penny! *klop klop* Penny! * klop klop* Penny!

    Destay houden.

    Has no one told you she's not breathing?

    Destay houden.

    No man is just a soldier. Every soldier is a hero.

    of anders Destay houden.

    there is a certain beauty in setting the world on fire and watching from the center of the flames.


    “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”

    Destay houden :3

    "Delaying death is one of my favourite hobbies."

    Destay houden (:

    "No one is born in this world to be alone."~ (Saul, One Piece.)

    Destay houden

    "In the end, everything will be okay. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end"

    Delirious schreef:
    Destay houden.

    Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.

    Saepe schreef:

    Noem mezelf baas, want ze weten wie ik ben.

    Saepe schreef:

    Be here, be alive, and be the means to a worthwhile end. Head down, chin up, eyes on the horizon. Don’t blow it.

    Keyblade schreef:

    Hahaha met mijn duffe kop sprak ik het uit als: Veel haren. Echt dom van me.

    Be here, be alive, and be the means to a worthwhile end. Head down, chin up, eyes on the horizon. Don’t blow it.