• Ik ga binnenkort weer proberen te schrijven, en heb al een idee en waar het over gaat (MTV's serie Teen Wolf) Alleen weet ik niet welke titel het beste past?

    1: Fire into the full moon.
    2: Burn into the full moon.

    Dus welke?

    “She was another broken doll dreaming of a boy with glue.” - Atticus

    Waarom neit
    MTV's serie Teen Wolf

    L.S.H.I.F.O.M.D.W.I.D.H.O. Laughing so hard I fell off my dinosaur, wait, I don't have one

    2: Burn into the full moon.

    I can't do everything, but I'll do anything for you.

    Prim schreef:
    Waarom neit
    MTV's serie Teen Wolf

    Dat vindt ik niet mooi.

    “She was another broken doll dreaming of a boy with glue.” - Atticus

    Ik vind ze beide maar rare zinnen.

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    Kalypso schreef:
    Ik vind ze beide maar rare zinnen.

    Tja ik kan geen andere titel verzinnen.

    “She was another broken doll dreaming of a boy with glue.” - Atticus

    How about;
    Burning Moon
    Full Moon Hour

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    Kalypso schreef:
    How about;
    Burning Moon
    Full Moon Hour

    Ik vindt ze alle 3 wel iets hebben :'D

    “She was another broken doll dreaming of a boy with glue.” - Atticus

    Denk er dan even over na ^^

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    Kalypso schreef:
    Denk er dan even over na ^^

    Ik denk dat ik Burning Moon doe.
    Dan zet ik de titel op de cover. (:

    “She was another broken doll dreaming of a boy with glue.” - Atticus