• "Or perhaps in Slytherin
    You'll make your real friends,
    Those cunning folks use any means
    To achieve their ends."

    Said Slytherin, "We'll teach just those
    Whose ancestry's purest."

    Welcome tot the Slytherin Common Room. No mudbloods or griffyndors allowed here.


    OUR HOUSE SONG (by Katie)

    Albus Potter is our king,
    He's a worthy Slytherin.
    Just as great as he can be,
    He can conquer each banshee.

    The true heir of Slytherin,
    The hallows're of no need to him.
    He's the bravest boy to be found
    On the Hogwarts grounds.

    Albus Potter is our king,
    He's the pride of Slytherin.
    That's why Slytherins all sing:

    Death Eaters Tasks

    Muggles vermoorden:
    - Sanity
    - PrincesSnape
    - Outcast
    - Progeny
    - Monkeyslut
    - Celestial

    Mudbloods uit de weg ruimen:

    - Oppugno
    - Pinkpop
    - xReplay
    - Tragically
    - BeSlytherin
    - Pemberley
    - Celestial

    Blood traitors vermoorden:
    - Soundeffect
    - Barcalonista
    - Apophis
    - Orchideous
    - Progeny
    - Sanity
    - Celestial
    - Aguamenti

    Secret Keeper, Riddle Replacement: Valentino

    If you have fully proven your loyalty to Riddle Jr:

    Slytherin Royalty: Medieval, Valentino, Progeny
    (most loyal death eaters)

    [ bericht aangepast op 19 juli 2011 - 0:12 ]

    Where there is a sea there are pirates...

    Medieval schreef:

    Welke groep wil je vermoorden? :'D

    I'm not sure... :\

    Genius schreef:
    Stel nou he, dat ik bij Gryffindor zou 'zitten'. Wat zouden jullie dan doen? (joehoe)

    Dan zouden het heel jammer vinden dat jij niet in het coole Slytherin zit *gayhand*

    Every word written is a victory against death | Michel Butor

    Genius schreef:
    Stel nou he, dat ik bij Gryffindor zou 'zitten'. Wat zouden jullie dan doen? (joehoe)
    avada kedavra (krul)

    Shoganai i ne~

    Genius schreef:
    Stel nou he, dat ik bij Gryffindor zou 'zitten'. Wat zouden jullie dan doen? (joehoe)

    Je bloed opzuigen (A)

    It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds...

    Oppugno schreef:

    Alle Mudbloodskillers: wie pakken we het eerste?

    Hermione Granger

    If you don't understand my silence, you will never understand my words.

    BeSlytherin schreef:
    (...)avada kedavra (krul)

    neenee, eerst in stukjes hakken en roosteren...

    It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds...

    Tragically schreef:

    Hermione Granger

    Okay :D Waar is ze nu? *accio die ene kaart van de marauders, hoe heet die ook alweer?*

    It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds...

    Ik heb het in de beginpost gezet!
    Wie nog ergens bij wil moet het zeggen op deze manier:

    Ik wil bij...
    Anders kijk ik er gewoon overheen!

    Where there is a sea there are pirates...

    BeSlytherin schreef:
    (...)avada kedavra (krul)

    Beetje jammer dat ik dan nog steeds zou leven he (bloos)


    Een bericht van onze grote Voldie op Twitter:
    #1waytopissmeoff exist.

    En daar ben ik het helemaal mee eens!

    It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds...

    Genius schreef:
    Beetje jammer dat ik dan nog steeds zou leven he (bloos)

    Ik vind dat poesje echt onwijs schattig.

    Where there is a sea there are pirates...

    BeSlytherin schreef:
    (...)avada kedavra (krul)

    Nee, Crucio is veel leuker (cat)

    If you don't understand my silence, you will never understand my words.

    Tragically schreef:
    Nee, Crucio is veel leuker (cat)

    That's my girl!

    Where there is a sea there are pirates...

    Captain schreef:
    That's my girl!

    nee, Imperio is veel leuker, dan vermoorden ze zichzelf (cat)

    Every word written is a victory against death | Michel Butor

    Tragically schreef:
    Nee, Crucio is veel leuker (cat)

    Imperio is effectiever! :'D
    .. voor even.