• Tell me! :9~

    De mijne:

    Het is je favoriete liedje van dit moment, dus niet van altijd. (:

    "No one is born in this world to be alone."~ (Saul, One Piece.)

    Aye, brother! 4 8 15 16 23 42

    Slowdancing in a Burning Room - John Mayer (cat)

    Where there is a sea there are pirates...

    Easy peasy, pumpkin peasy, pumpkin pie, motherfucker!

    summerbeat is leuk (:


    Destroy what destroys you.

    Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall / Coldplay

    Thanks For The Memories

    Sometimes The One You Want Is Not The One You Need.

    Chaos, panic and disorder. I see my work is done here.

    Hooligan schreef:
    Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall / Coldplay


    "No one is born in this world to be alone."~ (Saul, One Piece.)

    Everything is quiet, except for all the voices in my head that say your name.

    Dat zijn er meerdere :'D

    En deze:

    Everyone wants happiness without any pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.


    Chupacabra schreef:

    Misfits. Geil. Love 'em!

    My fav:


    "She was fury, she was wrath, she was vengeance."

    Ik lach de wereld uit, en dans mijn twijfels weg