• Als je één woord in de titel van een film of nummer veranderd in het woord penis, krijg je echt grappige dingen:
    Penis in Wonderland
    Drag me to Penis
    Pirates of the Penis
    Resident Penis
    Till You Believe Penis
    Penis Attac
    Raise your Penis
    Hit you with the Penis
    Penis Bomb
    Face The Penis
    Feel U Penis
    The Human Penis
    I Eat Penis
    The Message is Penis
    My Empty Penis
    Penis Don't Care

    Haha, nu jullie D;

    [ bericht aangepast op 23 juni 2011 - 22:41 ]

    Ik ben gemeen xoxo

    Harry Potter en de penis der wijzen.
    Harry Potter en de geheime penis.
    Harry Potter en de penis van azkaban.
    Harry Potter en de penisbeker.
    Harry Potter en de penis van de feniks.
    Harry Potter en de halfbloed penis.
    Harry Potter en de relieken van de penis.

    This time i'm ready to run. Escape from the city and follow the sun.

    Penis Hotel
    Super Penis
    Adam Penis

    I like boys who drive cars too slow.

    Snickers schreef:
    Never Say Penis :')

    Wahaahaa =plat=

    Love isn't blind, It's retarded.

    Make it penis
    Only penis left
    One Penis
    Never penis never
    all penis low

    Ivar Oosterloo.

    Black SwanPenis.
    Monthy Penis and the Holy Penis. (Monthy Python and the Holy Grail.)
    Penis Race, of Death Penis (Death Race)
    I know what you did last penis.
    The penis before christmas.
    Penis paradijs.


    Legally penis.
    Sisterhood of the traveling penis.
    Dear penis.

    The perks of not having a social life starring me and tumblr.

    The penis who leapt through time XD

    maar serieus the girl who leapt through tima is echt een goeie anime/film.

    Il est toujours l'heure de ne rien faire

    Of de twilight saga:
    New penis en Penis dawn

    [ bericht aangepast op 29 juni 2011 - 23:21 ]

    Il est toujours l'heure de ne rien faire

    Penis-Ass! (van de film Kick-Ass!)

    Here & Now

    Lord of the penis.

    Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.

    She is the penis.

    Will you follow me One last time? ~Thorin Oakenshield

    The men who stare at penis'

    Life is hard and then we die

    Finding Penis
    Beauty & the Penis
    Sleeping Penis

    I love disney XD

    Il est toujours l'heure de ne rien faire

    Penis to love (Somebody to love)
    Defying Penis (Defying Gravity)

    The penis redemption. - the shawshank redemption
    Abandon all penisses - Abandon all ships
    snow penis - snow patrol
    nine inch penis - nine inch nails
    breaking penis - breaking benjamin

    Hackers suck - and so do you, assh*le