• Edward Cullen, Bella Swan of Jacob Black.

    Er komen echt de raarste dingen uit. Zo had ik bij Bella: 'Do I like you?' Wat was haar antwoord? 'I don't think so. This looks like a horror movie waiting to happen.'

    The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed - One Direction, What Makes You Beautiful

    Ik vroeg aan Bella "are you a freak?" Antwoordt ze: "Not a chance. it's not my fault that you're a freak." Nou. D:

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    Rooftops schreef:
    Ik vroeg aan Bella "are you a freak?" Antwoordt ze: "Not a chance. it's not my fault that you're a freak." Nou. D:


    The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed - One Direction, What Makes You Beautiful

    Aan Edward: "Is Twilight fun?" "Keep dreaming. Not if I live a hundred thousand years."

    Aan Bella: "Is Twilight fun?" "I don't think so. This looks like a horror movie waiting to happen."

    Aan Jacob: "Is Twilight fun?" "It seems likely. Does my being half-naked bother you?"

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 juni 2011 - 21:20 ]

    It ain't broke, so don't fix it.

    omg, dit is echt verslavend XD

    walking get's too boring, when you learn how to fly..

    crescendo schreef:
    Aan Edward: "Is Twilight fun?" "Keep dreaming. Not if I live a hundred thousand years."

    Aan Bella: "Is Twilight fun?" "I don't think so. This looks like a horror movie waiting to happen."

    Aan Jacob: "Is Twilight fun?" "It seems likely. Does my being half-naked bother you?"

    Tjah, maar ja... Alleen Jacob is cool (cool)

    The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed - One Direction, What Makes You Beautiful

    Aan Edward: 'Is Twilight fun?' 'No. Your number was up the first time I met you.' Niet lief
    Aan Bella: 'Is Twilight fun?' 'I doubt it. Once people start throwing wet stuff I go inside.'
    Aan Jacob: 'Are you awesome?' 'Yes, I think so. You didn't used to be so melodramatic. Is that a vampire thing?'
    Hihi, hij geeft het toe, hij is awesome (cool) het enige probleem is wel dat hij denkt dat ik een vampier ben ):

    The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed - One Direction, What Makes You Beautiful

    Aan Edward: Are you an ugly fuckhead?

    Antwoord: Yes, of course. It's not my fault if you're exceptionally unobservant.


    Me: ''Do you have to be a vampire?''
    Edward: ''No. Your song was up the first time I met you.'' :')

    Everything is worse without music.

    NAZIPUNK schreef:
    Aan Edward: Are you an ugly fuckhead?

    Antwoord: Yes, of course. It's not my fault if you're exceptionally unobservant.

    Die is geniaal *ligt dubbel van het lachen*

    The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed - One Direction, What Makes You Beautiful

    Aan Jacob;
    "Do you love me?"
    His answer; "Not a chance. You'd be better off dead. I rather you were."
    Oh nou, hoe lief zeg..

    (Even voor alle duidelijkheid, nee ik ben géén twiligtfreak :p )

    Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right

    Do you think your hot?
    Bella: Yes, absolutely. It's not the end, it's the beginning.

    Do you love yourself?
    Jacob: Where is this psycho crap coming from? Are you making this up as you go?

    Do you like flowers?
    Edward: Can't concentrate. Shall I explain how you are tempting me?

    Do you love Bella?
    Jacob: Yeah it's true and yeah, I'll always be your friend. No matter what you love.

    Are you emo?
    Bella: Yes, absolutely. It's not the end, it's the beginning.

    Do you love me?
    Edward: Ask again later. After a few decades, everyone you know is dead. Problem solved. - Naja oO"

    "Don't look back, you're not going that way."

    do you love Renesmee? aan Bella: Maybe. Please tell me you are not trying to have a sex talk with me.

    Edward bite me! No. Your number was up the first time I met you.

    [ bericht aangepast op 22 juni 2011 - 9:54 ]

    'Do you love me, jake?'
    'Not a chance. You'd be better off dead. I rather you were.'

    Normality is a paved road: it's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.

    Tranquillity schreef:
    Aan Jacob;
    "Do you love me?"
    His answer; "Not a chance. You'd be better off dead. I rather you were."
    Oh nou, hoe lief zeg..

    (Even voor alle duidelijkheid, nee ik ben géén twiligtfreak :p )

    Hé, wij hadden precies hetzelfde, haha. :'D En nee, ik ben ook geen freak.

    Normality is a paved road: it's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.