In high school, we're expected to learn what is taught, yet we are not taught what we really need to learn. There is no textbook on necessary life skills, like how to hold your composure when your best friend or even your sister stops talking to you, or how to pretend you don't care when that guy you really like is with someone else. You are never taught how to cope with stress, although while dealing with the three tests, two essays, and a swim meet, on top of that side life that we are all handling, that is one skill that is acquired.

- No famous persons
- Take abo, we don't warn

Larissa & Naomi.


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
Proloog (Lily Grassery) 142 173 1 decennium geleden
Hoofdpersonen 17 399 1 decennium geleden
1. Roselyn 1108 398 1 decennium geleden
2. Lily 973 323 1 decennium geleden
3. Roselyn 837 333 1 decennium geleden
4. Lily 1118 284 1 decennium geleden
Small break. 76 157 1 decennium geleden

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