This is the information story of the Tron: Resurrection RP, feel free to join us!

After the escape of Sam Flynn from The Grid, he vowed to make the grid accessible to outsiders as well as making it a place to live in for programs, ISOs and users alike.

In the present day, which is 2075, Sam Flynn is no longer and even though The Grid still receives the support it needs to keep existing, there’s turmoil brewing. A terrorist group named ISOFF (Isomorphic Algorithms For Freedom) tries to upset the power balance between programs and ISOs. Everyone is talking about the recent murder of a program that resided on the council by the ISOFF. Users and ISOs need to start picking sides and programs no longer feel safe.

Will the programs fight back and make their own counter initiative or will the ISOFF be shut down before their damage triggers a second purge? Or will Tron rise again from the ashes and fight for the justice of the Grid?


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
The Grid Society 432 25 1 maand geleden
People of The Grid 322 24 1 maand geleden
Timeline 1892 20 1 maand geleden
Map 12 20 1 maand geleden
The Culture of The Grid 314 28 1 maand geleden

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