Imagine you have killed someone,
Imagine you have killed someone, but you don't know you have,
That must suck, wouldn't it?
I guess we'll find out.

Written in English
Part of the Go Fanfic • Writing Competition
Based on the novel 'More Happy Than Not' by Adam Silvera

"The Leteo Institute, a body whose procedures claim to allow all memories to be targeted and altered with molecular precision."
They may claim to alter and/or remove memories, but how do you know everything will go right? Many things can go wrong. Your memories can come back, at best. But there have been people who went braindead after the surgery. People who died. So, is it really worth it?


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
P R O L O G U E 113 188 8 jaar geleden

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