The thuth cann`t be true. It cann`t be.
My mom would kill me if I tell her and my dad would never looked me in the eyes.
Was what i felt real?
I`ve not have to think about it.
All diffent kind of love are okay, but mine....

The rain is never falling up. It always come down.
The sun always shine as a fireball, not as a iceball.
The grass always grow in the ground, not in the air.
The nerd always gets buillied. That would never change.

There is no other way that I`ve to be different.
Stay with the game you`re playing, not something els.
Do what your parent told you to do, not your own game.
Please, I`ve to be normal!


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
Proloog 391 159 1 decennium geleden
Chapter 1 620 223 1 decennium geleden
Chapter 2 769 185 1 decennium geleden
Chapter 3 744 211 1 decennium geleden
Chapter 4 529 162 1 decennium geleden
Chapter 5 559 202 1 decennium geleden

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