Story: Rebellious • Derek Hale
“Life is painful and messed up. It gets complicated at the worst of times, and sometimes you have no idea where to go or what to do. Lots of times people just let themselves get lost, dropping into a wide open, huge abyss. But that's why we have to keep trying. We have to push through all that hurts us, work past all our memories that are haunting us. Sometimes the things that hurt us are the things that make us strongest. A life without experience, in my opinion, is no life at all. And that's why I tell everyone that, even when it hurts, never stop yourself from living.”
Re·bel·lious [ri-bel-yuhs]
Defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel.
Defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel.
Titel Nieuwste eerst | Woorden | Gelezen | Aangepast |
Ruby-Lee Boydell | 330 | 292 | 1 decennium geleden |
Prologue | 205 | 277 | 1 decennium geleden |
REBEL || 1 | 1085 | 351 | 1 decennium geleden |
REBEL || 2 | 1030 | 282 | 1 decennium geleden |
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1 decennium geleden