Welke primaire kleur ben jij? - Uitkomsten
Welke primaire kleur ben jij?
Ik ga proberen een van de drie kleuren uit je te halen volgens een paar vragen c:
Mogelijke uitkomsten
Blauw (25 x uitgekomen)
This color is one of trust, responsibility, honesty and loyalty. It is sincere, reserved and quiet, and doesn't like to make a fuss or draw attention. It hates confrontation, and likes to do things in its own way.
Blue is the helper, the rescuer, the friend in need. It's success is defined by the quality and quantity of its relationships. It is a giver, not a taker. It likes to build strong trusting relationships and becomes deeply hurt if that trust is betrayed.
Blue represents communication, peace and calm, honesty, authority, religion and wisdom.
Rood (23 x uitgekomen)
Red, the color of blood and fire, is associated with meanings of love, passion, desire, heat, longing, lust, sexuality, sensitivity, romance, joy, strength, leadership, courage, vigor, willpower, rage, anger, danger, malice, wrath, stress, action, vibrance, radiance, and determination.
Red is assertive, daring, determined, energetic, powerful, enthusiastic, impulsive, exciting, and aggressive. Red represents physical energy, lust, passion, and desire. It symbolizes action, confidence, and courage. The color red is linked to the most primitive physical, emotional, and financial needs of survival and self-preservation.
Geel (28 x uitgekomen)
Yellow is the best color to create enthusiasm for life and can awaken greater confidence and optimism. The color yellow loves a challenge, particularly a mental challenge. Yellow is the great communicator and loves to talk. Yellow is the scientist, constantly analyzing, looking at both sides before making a decision; methodical and decisive. Yellow is the entertainer, the comic, the clown.
Yellow represents: Mind and intellect, Happiness and fun, Communication of New Ideas, Creative, Quick decisions, Anxiety producing, Critical, Non-emotional.
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Yes roooddd!!!!![:) :)](/images/smilies/smile14.png)
3 jaar geledenRood is trouwens mijn lievelingskleur
Leuke quiz! Kudo!