Which Avatar Tribe/Nation do you belong to? - Uitkomsten
Which Avatar Tribe/Nation do you belong to?
This quiz goes even further than deciding your element. It also decides which type of bender (or non-bender) You are
Mogelijke uitkomsten
Waterbender (10 x uitgekomen)
A casual waterbender. This can either be from the south or the north pole. Or Republic city these days! You have the power to control the movement of water. Of course, there's enough variation with this.
Icebender (0 x uitgekomen)
A subcategory of Waterbending, the ability to make snow or ice out of water and control it.
Bloodbender (9 x uitgekomen)
Bloodbenders are not very common, and aren't always very effective. Nevertheless, some waterbenders decide to train themselves into controlling the blood inside someone's body. Gross...
Earthbender (1 x uitgekomen)
So you're one of the tough earthbenders? Your powers include levitating hella heavy boulders, stoning people and being generally awesome! Great~
Lavabender (8 x uitgekomen)
How unusual! We have a lava bender between us. FACE MELTING DANGEROUS LAVA. Great. I hope you're responsible Earthbender.
Metalbender (5 x uitgekomen)
How useful! You could just go up and join the Republic city police! Isn't that great? You earthbender, are lucky to have such an natural ability in bending precious metals.
Healer (10 x uitgekomen)
This is a special type of waterbenders who have mastered the arts of healing with water. Most can control it, but if you got this answer you are quite advanced and may be able to safe your comrades in battle.
Spirit bender (1 x uitgekomen)
This type of waterbender can turn evil baddy spirit into good ones. They are generally very spiritually connected or at least gifted at that front.
Seismic sense (1 x uitgekomen)
And earth bender technique which has been passed on for generations. These people can perceive the environment by feeling vibrations or echo's in the ground.
Firebending (1 x uitgekomen)
Firebenders obviously are those who control fire as their element. Dangerous, but very rewarding once you get it down. kekekeke
Lightningbender (0 x uitgekomen)
Lightningbenders have the ability to produce lightning, together with fire. Dangerous. Very Dangerous. But stinkin' awesome
Airbending (6 x uitgekomen)
Airbenders have been extinct for a long time, but it is possible that you are one of the new airbenders created at harmonic convergence!
Spiritual Projection (0 x uitgekomen)
These airbenders, although not many have a very strong connection to the spirit world. It allows the person to move freely through the physical realm in an intangible form.
Foggy Swamp waterbender (12 x uitgekomen)
These... unusual... water benders live in the foggy swamp. They may be a bit... quirky... but don't let it stop you! You are amazing!
Sandbender (0 x uitgekomen)
Sand sailing! Sand castles! Stealing bison! What a fun tribe am I right? These earthbenders, living out on the desert have quiet a cool culture!
Kyoshi warrior (7 x uitgekomen)
Female warriors named after avatar Kyoshi. Usually armed with fans, katanas and other samurai like weapons.
Chi blocker (150 x uitgekomen)
These bastards can block your chi, making your muscles stop working. It disables parts of your body to be unable to move like a rag doll. Oops.
Nonbender (144 x uitgekomen)
Simple, you are no bender, but at least you can concentrate on other interesting types of combat!
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