Oh my god. Hipsters everywhere!
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(Made this quiz because I'm bored and didn't sleep all night. Enjoy.)
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Hipsters suck bro, like, BIG TIME. (10 x uitgekomen)
You obviously don't know what hipsters mean and spent your time too much on tumblr. Nobody knows what hipster means. They just pretend. I suggest you should keep going, because I really don't care what you do with your life.
Well, don't worry about it. I'm pretty much the same. Besides the fact that you are looking at your screen in a 'what the fuck' face and I'm just too amused to keep writing this. Bye.
No shit sherlock. (24 x uitgekomen)
Seriously. Seriously? Thanks man. I don't feel like you hate me because I made those answers myself. Next time better.
And I know that you were kidding, how can you hate Uneventful?
I hope you find your place in this world. And peace.
And by the way, if you lied about your answers. I already knew that.
Life risking depression. (42 x uitgekomen)
Do you ever feel left out? Like there's no place for you in life? And does this feeling last longer than a month?
Damn. You're in a life risking depression.
I see so much desperation in your future. I don't know if it's healthy. But anyway.
I think you should try to discover yourself. Find your inner self.
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I had "Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?"
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