Oh my god. Hipsters everywhere!

You must be new

(Made this quiz because I'm bored and didn't sleep all night. Enjoy.)

Mogelijke uitkomsten

Hipsters suck bro, like, BIG TIME. (10 x uitgekomen)

You obviously don't know what hipsters mean and spent your time too much on tumblr. Nobody knows what hipster means. They just pretend. I suggest you should keep going, because I really don't care what you do with your life.
Well, don't worry about it. I'm pretty much the same. Besides the fact that you are looking at your screen in a 'what the fuck' face and I'm just too amused to keep writing this. Bye.

No shit sherlock. (24 x uitgekomen)

Seriously. Seriously? Thanks man. I don't feel like you hate me because I made those answers myself. Next time better.
And I know that you were kidding, how can you hate Uneventful?

I hope you find your place in this world. And peace.
And by the way, if you lied about your answers. I already knew that.

Life risking depression. (42 x uitgekomen)

Do you ever feel left out? Like there's no place for you in life? And does this feeling last longer than a month?
Damn. You're in a life risking depression.
I see so much desperation in your future. I don't know if it's healthy. But anyway.

I think you should try to discover yourself. Find your inner self.

Do I get bonus points if I act like I care? (39 x uitgekomen)

No. But you can get bonus points because you were quoting dr House whole the time. I love that man. He's my god.



Reageer (11)

  • Tinaaax257

    Dr. House!!!!!!!!!

    1 decennium geleden
  • Dominique03

    Leuk ;)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Juillet

    Hipsters suck bro, like, BIG TIME.

    1 decennium geleden
  • ZephyrDragon

    life risking depression... That does sound like me :3 a depressed gothic :P too "mainstream" for those damn hipsters, right?

    Well I was thinking..
    Since everyone is becoming a hipster these days, is becoming a hipster not a little mainstream? and isn't that what they try to avoid??

    1 decennium geleden
  • Meathoriel

    life risking depression, lol nee ik heb geen hekel aan hipsters ofzo maar like als ze gaan zeggen dat dingen te ''mainstream'' zijn kan ik daar niet tegen, en de meeste kleren zoals galaxy shirts en shit komen uit de 70's dus zo nieuw is het niet

    1 decennium geleden

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