Remember the stars

You were always by my side
just to suddenly disapeare.
Our promises of love
broken so easily.

But you broke your promise first,
you would stay with me forever,
to support, to love, to wipe my tears,
to scold me when it's needed, to keep my feet on the ground,
to comfort, to just be with me.

I know it's not your fault,
but that doesn't make it hurt less.
I go to our place,
under a tree where we always looked at the stars in the nightsky.
This place, the place
where I want to be the most,
but also don't want to be at all.

But I have to come here,
I have to keep remembering.
Like some sort of proof
that you've actually been here.
That it wasn't a hallucination.
My memories of you,
the memories of us,
the ones I'll cherish forever,
they are my oxygen.
The only thing that keeps me standing,
that makes me go on.

And I do remember, I remember so good.
I remember most the stories you told me
right at this place.
Stories about the stars,
which you liked so much.
How you would wanna be one of them
up there in the sky.

I'll try to not shed more tears,
because of the last words you told me.

'Go to our place,
sit under our tree
and look up at the stars in the nightsky.
Know I will be one of them.
Know I'll be shining only for you.
I will shine down on you,
so promise me and try,
the light I'll be giving to you,
to use it and reflect it.
So you can shine every day.
Remember these words,
remember me,
remember us and our memories
remember no matter what,
I love you...'

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