Dark is the night!

Dark night is the night
At the top of the moon
The moon shining with its appearance on the existence

Dark is the night
The cold wind that roars through the trees
Hopefully you do not have anxiety dreams

Dark is the night
The danger is near
Because the devil is there

Dark is the night
Together with your partner in bed making love
And all night to stay with her

Dark is the night
With cold and nasty sounds
And the bells in the morning you should read

Dark is the night
Lie all night staring
But beware that may be slow

Dark is the night
Enjoy the silence around you
And not knowing where it would end

Dark is the night
A soft toy that presses against your
The mommy in the morning your sheets snatched

Dark is the night ...

Reageer (2)

  • Malony


    5 jaar geleden
  • SkyWriter

    Mooi <333

    1 decennium geleden

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