I hate you

I hate you
No matter what you say
I will still hate you
Our first date was a complete disaster
We did not have anything in common and you are such an idiot
And still we run into eachother
I tell you 'i hate you'
And then you response with 'then why does the universe keep letting us meet?'
I hate you
After trying so hard not to see you, i still see you
No matter where i go
I hate you
'Lets get married'
I've heard you said
'No, i hate you'
'Then why do we still see eachother?'
'Because thats just coincedence'
'No, its faith'
He says
No matter what he says, i still hate him
But now.. even i am thinking 'is he right?'
Then i see you again
I walk up to you and say:
'Fine, lets get married'
But even so.. i will always hate you my dear.

Reageer (2)

  • JayDick

    ik vind het wel een mooi gedicht..


    1 decennium geleden
  • Muffintje

    de titel spreekt me nu al aan i hate you -.-" echt het is gewoon te comisch om te lachen echt waar we gaan trouwen maar ik haat je nog steesd wie is er nouw zo'n gek om dat te doenxD maak er snel nog een xD

    1 decennium geleden

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