bi, gay or straight

bi, gay or straight, it doesn't matter
why are there people who hate the other,
just because they're gay?
i have nothing to say,
well i'm not gay, i'm bi
people will find it weird, people always look so weird if they see a couple of the same sex
there is no good reason, but it's not "normal"
well what is normal than?
what is the problem? really some people just don't understand
if you love each other than it is good so, if you are bi or gay
that's good and just normal, it doesn't matter what some stupid people say
everyone has the right to be who they are, i'm bi
that's who i am, i don't know why it is so "weird"
everyone has to stay the person that he/she is
that's the best, everyone is unique so
don't listen to the homophobic people, they don't know what they are doing,
they will know if they will be bi or gay themselves..
just let them talk, and be who you are
bi, gay or straight, it's all normal,
it's all equal

Reageer (2)

  • Smurfinx

    ik ben het met je eens!

    1 decennium geleden
  • nadia1999

    tis niet echt een rijmend gedicht ofzo maar ik moest t gwn ff zeggen dus

    1 decennium geleden

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