little miss perfect

het is meer een liedje maar het zijn gevoelens over een persoon die haarzelf een vriendin heeft genoemd.

I don’t think anybody told you yet. And you should listen now
If your Gonna Judge me well don’t Judge a book by its cover. If your Gonna hate me don’t hate the things that only happened in your head

Hey, hey, hey, yeah little miss perfect are you going to fix it now. Hey, hey, hey yeah little miss perfect it’s ruined now. Little miss little miss ignorant
Ow you don’t get it yet you don’t understand. Looks like you’re not that perfect.
And you can take your damn problems and comments and shove it up your

Hey, hey ,hey yeah little miss perfect are you going to fix it now. Hey, hey, hey yeah little miss perfect it’s ruined now. Little miss little miss innocent
Running away is not going to help en neither is lying.
After this I realized all the memories with you are horrible and the good will never be rememberd.

Hey, hey ,hey yeah little miss perfect are you going to fix it now. Hey, hey, hey yeah little miss perfect it’s ruined now. Little miss little miss nothing anymore

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