Red side flowers.
Red side flowers.
Red side flowers.
Dear husband of mine.
What are those tears about?
The sun is as bright here as it is over there.
God is by my side.
Red side flowers grow here as well.
The grass isn’t greener over here.
Everything reminds me of you.
The way the water flows, how the birds sing,
even how the lighting collides with the ground.
Dry your tears husband of mine.
We will meet again.
Until then I am in your dreams.
And you will be in my thoughts.
I won’t leave this spot besides the gate.
When we will meet again,
I will open the gates for you and welcome you back in my arms.
Soft, white feathers.
Fly away with me husband of mine.
Towards the castle built on dreams.
Swim with me in the lake made of a lovers tear.
Sing me our lullaby.
Dance with me on a field full of red side flowers.
Watch the sunrise with me.
Close our eyes and enjoy each other’s company.
Listen to the voices that want to be heard.
It is not your time.
I am sure we will meet again.
Life, Dear husband of mine.
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