47 minutes and 17 seconds

Oh, en de idiot friend in dit verhaal ben ik

I never understood why people take New Year's resolutions. Generally these are failed within one week. A small group of tenacious people may keep it up for a month, a lucky few will last the entire year. Imagine how few people maintain their resolution for the rest of their lives!
Of course I have always taken a resolution myself at the start of each year. I was actually very sucessful at it! (2009: excersises, kept it up till July. 2010: shock a friend, kept going at it till the last hour of 2010) Which is why I decided to set myself for a serious challenge this year. I was going to stop making sexual puns. (sounds like a weird thing to do when you say it like this anyway)
When I announced this in the last week of December (I assumed that I was going to fail very fast. I thought I'd fail before I got the chance to tell anyone) the reactions were wuite... unexpected. There was the expected disbelief, most people thought, like me, that my punless time would be counted in minutes instead of days. But most people (Most of them girls!) thought this was actually a BAD idea. The general opinion was that I would lose my identity. Nobody would recognize me. I would become a stranger. One gall friend actually claimed that if I were to keep this up for a week, she'd see it as a sign of the apocalypse. Which is why she was going to stop me. She even knew how! She'd fly over from Canada (why are half of my friends female Canadians?) as her superhero-alter-ego Ferretgirl, spouting puns at me while parading infront of me in lingerie untill I;d make a pun of my own.
There are better ways to stop a guy from doing something.
Thus, with an iron resolve and a will of steel, I looked forward to 2011. I was going to do this, and I was going to last! Appearantly I'd be boring as hell, but it was a price I was willing to pay! Because if I succeeded at this, I would prove that I could, in fact, act like a mature person, but just didn't feel like it. I would FINALLY have an answer when my friends called me immature. Strangely enough, the people who complained I was going to be boring (girls) where the same people (girls) as those who called me immature. Conclusion: some people (girls) just dont know what they want.
Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be. When I logged on on msn, after the fireworks, I had a message from some Ferretgirl: ""The firework shop is closed, and we don't have enough fireworks to last all night!" to which I responded, without thinking, something along the lines of how we could make fireworks all night long. A sexual pun. And not even a good one!
Oh well, being an adult for 47 minutes and 17 seconds is enough, right?
Reageer (5)
Haha, geweldig! Ik heb dit stukje met een grote glimlach gelezen, omdat het zo herkenbaar was.
1 decennium geledenZo leuk! I want more!

1 decennium geledenhaha, Lol.
en dat plaatje is cool!
Be an adult? IMPOSSIBRU!
1 decennium geledenAlwin, you have plenty of time to be boring when you're 40.
and Canadians rule. end of conversation.
Komt er nog een derde stukje?
1 decennium geleden
(deze keer zet ik geen reactie met woorden want je geeft toch maar commentaar op mn Nederlands
1 decennium geleden