I'll post poems separate too, I don't know why, but I do it.

Link to the poem

I honestly didn't know for sure if I was attracted to girls before I met her,
of course I'd had small crushes, and urges to kiss, before,
But she, she makes me want to do so much more,
I want to hold her hand,
I want to take her out,
I want to go to the cinema with her,
I want to ride on the train with her,
I want to go shop with her,
I want to be with her,
Comfort her,
Love her,
Kiss her.

I wouldn't be afraid to show her off,
She's the prettiest person I've ever seen,
And, where she's pretty, she's ten times as nice,
We share the same humor,
I want to share bad jokes with her,
I want to make her laugh,
I want to laugh alongside her,
I want to dance to crappy music with her,
Dance in the rain,
Dance on the beach,
In public,
Or alone.

I want to be with her so badly,
And even though I've never seen her in person,
And she's two years younger,
And even though we live an hour apart,
It could be worse.
I want to skype her,
Text her,
Call her,
Sing to her
Sing with her,
Listen to her voice.

And even though I want all these things,
And more,
She does not want these things,
Or at least,
Not with me,
She wants them with
It's funny how I can be so envious,
Of someone I yet have to meet,
Or how I can be so infatuated,
With a girl, I have never seen.

But, I am,
and even though it hurts,
even though it can ruin,
even though all the negative sides,
Having to come out to my family,
The age difference,
even though I want her,
I want to hold her hand,
I want to take her out,
I want to go to the cinema with her,
I want to ride on the train with her,
I want to go shop with her,
I want to be with her,
Comfort her,
Love her,
Kiss her,
I want to share bad jokes with her,
I want to make her laugh,
I want to laugh alongside her,
I want to dance to crappy music with her,
Dance in the rain,
Dance on the beach,
In public,
Or alone,
I want to skype her,
Text her,
Call her,
Sing to her
Sing with her,
Listen to her voice,
I want to grow old with her,
but I can't.

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