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Hi everyone,
We are going to do our oral exam about the family Cyrus and their house.
Everyone has to know Miley Cyrus and maybe Trace Cyrus but what is it with the rest of the family?Well,first we gonna introduce you the parents Cyrus.This is father Cyrus,but you know him as Billy Ray Cyrus.He’s fourthy-eight years old,lives in the USA and is a singer and actor,just like his daughter Miley.Leticia Cyrus,also known as Leticia “Tish” Finley is mother Cyrus.She’s fourthy-two years old and she is Billy Ray Cyrus’ wife.Today,she works as Miley and Ray Cyrus’ manager and tours around with her mother,Loretta Finley.Now we’re going to talk about the children.Sister Brandi is the their eldest child.She’s twenty-two years old and has also musical talents.She plays bass guitar. For Miley,she’s a halfsister.The second eldest is Trace.He’s a brother.He plays in the band Metro Station with Mason Musso,who’s also his best friend.On this time,Metro Station has a big hit with ‘Shake it’ Then Miley,she’s a singer.Songs like ‘7 things’,’See You Again’ and ‘The Climb’ are of her. But Miley is also an actress.She began acting in 2003,in the movie ‘Big Fish’But her real break through was thanks to the program ‘Hannah Montana’ where she plays Hannah Montana and herself. Another brother is Braison.He’s fifteen years old and very sportif.He loves to play basketball over any musical endeavors.He sometimes mekes apprearances at events with his sister Miley. There’s also a little sister,called Noah.Little Noah has already making her way into show business.She played a part in her father’s video.More recently,Noah guest starred on Hannah Montana.Known by just a few people, the family Cyrus has a hidden halfbrother,Christopher Cody.He’s a special gift from a short relationship of Billy Ray Cyrus with anyone else.Christopher is seventeen and chooses not to shine in the spotlights on his family.Because of that,the other brothers and sisters has never really seen Christopher.
Now,we’re going to talk about the house of the Cyrus’ family.They have a terraced house in a beautiful Mediterranean style.There are five bedrooms,six bathrooms with a fireplache,a costum-tiled gourmet kitchen and an elegant livingroom. The house has also a library,a screening room,and the lovely garden is completed with outdoor kitchen,fireplace and pool.This big house costed a cool 6.two million dollars.Very much for us,but not for the Cyrus’ family.
We have also a bit facts about the Cyrus’ family.Here are they.
-Miley her favorite sport is cheerleading.
-She never followed songcourses.
-In January 2008,she transformed her name officialy from Destiny Hope at Miley Ray Cyrus.
-Miley did actually audition for the rol of Lily Truscott in Hannah Montana (Now played by Emily Osment)but she was good enough for the leadingrol.
-Trace Cyrus is adopted by the family.
-Masson Musso is not only the bandmate of Trace,but also his best friend.
-Mason has met Trace on the set of Hannah Montana,becaus Masons’ brother plays in the program.
So,this was our oral exam.We hoped you know more about the family now and we hoped you liked it.
Reageer (17)
waw, ik wist niet dat Trace geadopteerd was!
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