Band Of Brothers Quotes
As I think That Band Of brothers Is A Goddamn Masterpiece, I decided To Put Some Quotes in this BlogThing.
Guarnere: My brother's in North Africa. He says it's hot.
Malarkey: Really? It's hot in Africa?
Guarnere: Shut up!
Soldier: Oh, Easy Company! Don't worry. While you're running, we'll take your dames to the movies for you.
Liebgott: Good, they need some female company.
Toye: Hey guys, I'm glad we're going to Europe. [takes out his knife] Hitler gets one of these right across the windpipe. Roosevelt changes Thanksgiving to Joe Toye Day, pays me ten grand a year for the rest of my fucking life.
[After being outflanked three times by Winters' troops in a combat drill while riding a bicycle]
Old English Man: [Raising his hands in the air] You've done it now, Yanks. You've captured me.
Winters: [chuckles]
Sobel: [Approaching with 1st Platoon, shouting] Heigh-Ho Silver!
Old English Man: Would that be the enemy?
Winters: As a matter of fact, yes.
Days Of Days
Winters: Flash!
Hall: Shit!
Winters: I don't think that's the correct reply, trooper. I say "flash, you say "thunder".
Hall: Yes, sir. Thunder, sir.
[Winters struggles with a can of food; Nixon has to open it for him]
Nixon: Don't ever get a cat.
Guarnere: Hiya, Cowboy!
Hall: Shut your fucking guinea trap, Gonorrhea.
Guarnere: He's all right, that kid!
Speirs: We're all scared. You hid in that ditch because you think there's still hope. But Blithe, the only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead. And the sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to function as a soldier is supposed to function. Without mercy. Without compassion. Without remorse. All war depends upon it.
[Nixon falls down after a German bullet hits his helmet]
Winters: Nix!
Nixon: I'm all right! I'm all right . . . am I all right?
Guarnere: (To Bull) I don't know whether to slap you, kiss you, or salute you.
Webster: [In Holland] They all speak English, they all love us - what a fantastic country!
Malarkey: Hey, Skip! Where ya been? I've been lookin' all over for you!
Skip Muck: Well, Don, I was at home in Tonnawanda but then Hitler started this whole thing, so now I'm here.
Nixon: [holds up a ticket to Paris for Richard Winters, without saying what it is]
Winters: What is that? A piece of paper? I don't want to see another piece of paper!
The Breaking Point
Nixon: I've seen the States, I grew up there. That's why I came to Europe. I just wish somebody had told me there was a war on.
Speirs: You wanna know if they're true or not, the stories about me? Did you ever notice with stories like that, everyone says they heard it from someone who was there. Then when you ask that person, they say they heard it from someone who was there. It's nothing new, really. I bet if you went back two thousand years, you'd hear a couple centurions standing around yakkin' about how Tertius lopped off the heads of some Carthaginian prisoners.
Lipton: Well, maybe they kept talking about it because they never heard Tertius deny it.
Speirs: Maybe that's because Tertius knew there was some value to the men thinking he was the meanest, toughest son of a bitch in the whole Roman Legion
Warren 'Skip' Muck: [introducing a reinforcement by talking him trough the wounds the Easy Company soldiers had] Hey even first sergeant Lipton over there! He got a couple of pieces of a tank shell burst in Carentan. One chunk in the face, another chunk almost took out his nuts.
Bill Guarnere: How are those nuts sarge?
Carwood Lipton: Doing fine, Bill. Nice of you to ask.
Why We Fight
Liebgott: So what did you study?
Webster: Literature.
Liebgott: Get out of here! You serious? I love to read!
Webster: Do you?
Liebgott: Yeah. Dick Tracy and Flash Gordon, [comic books] mostly.
Luz: Hey Janovek, what ya reading?
Janovek: An article.
Luz: No shit. What's it about?
Janovek: It's about why we're fightin' the war.
Luz: Why are we fighting the war, Janovek?
Janovek: It appears the Germans are bad, very bad.
Luz: You don't say. The Germans are bad, huh?
[Turns to Perconte]
Luz: Hey Frank, this guy is reading and article, that says the Germans *are bad*.
Perconte: No shit.
Winters: [quoting from a letter Mike Ranney wrote to him]: I cherish the memory of a question my grandson asked me the other day, when he said: 'Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?' Grandpa said no. But I served in a company of heroes.
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Band of brothes
yeah ... goede quotes ook..
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