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I am far from being fine

''The real heroes anyway,
aren't the people doing things;
the real heroes are the people noticing things,
paying attention.”



When we were younger, all we wanted was to be older.
We wanted to be like our big sister or brother,
because they seemed to be happy.
But, now we know, Peter was right. Being younger is much more fun.
"I will never grow up. I will always be a kid!"

Nous protégeons ceux qui ne peuvent pas se protéger eux mêmes. -
We protect those who cannot protect themselves


Be Your Own Anchor

1 decennium geleden

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10 Creaties van xStilinski

Gastenboek (1356)

  • Peperoni

    Of course I didn't send her hate, I just told her to take care of Liam.
    If he's happy, I'm too.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Peperoni

    I just can't believe it. I'm actually crying overhere.
    He can't be done, if he is, I'm too.
    Maybe I'm not Sophia biggest fan and I will never be, but I just don't know.
    If he's happy, I'm happy.
    I just miss Payzer.
    It doesn't make sense.
    I love him and he loves me, but he will never love me like he loved Dani and loves Sophia.
    I don't even expect him too, I have to be realistic.
    But it hurts me when he says this...

    I ain't brave, nor strong.
    I'm a weak fangirl.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Kjalaney

    1 decennium geleden
  • Kjalaney

    Heeey Lieverd.
    Ik zag je smsje, maar ik heb geen beltegoed.
    Dus doe ik het via hier.
    Het was helemaal geen probleem om je te steunen, dat doe je toch voor je beste vriendin !?
    Ik hou zo ontzettend veel van je.
    En kijk is hoe snel het is gegaan ! :D

    1 decennium geleden
  • Peperoni

    I'm alright. (:
    You'll realise how much you missed your own room and it will be over, I hope for you. (;

    1 decennium geleden

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