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 Qrew zet de volgende story in the spotlight: The Height of Dishonour [FOTY]



Laatst online: 12 jaar, 265 dagen geleden


xNobodyx is offline

DoN'T KnOw WhErE I LiVe


I doN4t cArE WhAT I4m DoInG!!


This is the way you left me
I'm not pretending
No hope, no love, no gloryNo happy ending

This is the way that we love
Like it's forever
Then live the rest of our life
Both not together

Wake up in the morning
Stumble on my life
Can't get no love without sacrifice
If anything should happen
I guess I wish you well
Mmm a little bit of heaven
But a little bit of hell

This is the hardest story
that I have ever told
No hope, or love, or glory
Happy endings gone forever more
I feel as if I'm wasting
And I waste every day

This is the way you left me
I'm not pretending
No hope, no love, no glory
No happy ending

This is the way that we love
Like it's forever
Then live the rest of our life
Both not together

Two'o clock in the morning
Someone's on my mind
Can't get no rest
Keep walking around
If I pretend that nothing ever went wrong

I can get to my sleep I can dream now and just carry on?

This is the hardest story
that I have ever told
No hope, or love, or glory
Happy endings gone forever more
I feel as if I'm wasting
And I waste every day

Oh I feel as if I'm wasting
And I waste every day

This is the way you left me
I'm not pretending
No hope, no love, no glory
No happy ending

This is the way that we love
Like it's forever
Then live the rest of our life
Both not together

A little bit of love

Little bit of love

This is the way you left me
I'm not pretending
No hope, no love, no glory
No happy ending

This is the way that we love
Like its forever
Then live the rest of our life
Both not together
This is the way you left me
I'm not pretending
No hope, no love, no glory
No happy ending

This is the way that we love
Like it's forever
Then live the rest of our life
Both not together

This is the way you left me
I'm not pretending
No hope, no love, no glory
No happy ending

This is the way that we love
Like it's forever
Then live the rest of our life
Both not together


1 decennium geleden

1 decennium geleden

1 dagen 9 uur

1634 [24 uur]











1 Creaties van xNobodyx

Gastenboek (12)

  • XVonXDutChxX

    Thanks (: Ik heb er 2uur over gedaan, het is al wel een vrij oude tekening, ik heb die nog gemaakt tijdens mijn examen.

    1 decennium geleden
  • DarkMemory

    Hey! (doeg)
    [40] Fall In Love With The Wrong One
    is er! :D
    Bedankt voor je reactie bij het vorige deel,
    Laat je weer een reactie achter?
    xxx Ashley (K)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Beelzebub

    Haaay, volg je mijn serie nog? =D

    1 decennium geleden
  • xSKITT

    Hallo ;)
    Deel 9 is klaar Have fun! <3.

    CosmicPurple & xSKITT

    1 decennium geleden
  • xDomiiePipi

    And you are...? ;$

    1 decennium geleden

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