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Eat; Sleep; Rave; Repeat;
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evm1997, TLisHottie, TotallyMe, 1Dxlover, Louis1DXxX, xSTUPIDkidx, GottaBePaul, BelovedxGem, LaughxSmile, xHappyHoran, VampireLeech, doluv2luv, xHungryHoran, Horayne30x12, Aestimatus, Esmae, Eshauna, Epilogus, xSkiallator, BlackPanther, Skiall, xMerryMalik, xLovelyLouis
You can better regret things you have done, than regret things you haven't done in life.
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Gastenboek (2260)
Sara is back?(: Yaaaay c:
1 decennium geledenHave fun at your granny's! (:
Tell me what your fav part was when you've seen it yeah? M curious about it haha c:
1 decennium geledenWell Harry was in love with Louis (his best friend) and told him that, Louis laughed so Harry ran away. Harry noticed something at the road, there was a carcrash. Liam and Zayn were in it (Harry didn't know them aha) So Harry joined Zayn while going to the hospital, Harry told Zayn about his feeling for Louis. What Harry didn't know was that Louis loved him back and laughed bc he was happy. Zayn and Harry started to have this perfect friendship where Zayn actually felt a bit more than friends, he thought. Liam was heartbroken when he heard that (bc he and Zayn were best friends but he loved Zayn ohoh) and he kissed Zayn softly. Well, Zayn got confused and needed time to think, so did Harry. (In the main time, Harry and Louis got together, that's why Zayn told Liam about his feelings for Harry) And yeah.. Suddenly Zayn left Liam's home to buy him a book, when he got home Liam tried to commit suicide bc he thought Zayn didn't love him, while Zayn wanted to tell Liam he loved him! Drama all the way.. So Zayn went to the hospital and Liam woke up, Ziam got together. Harry didn't understand why Zayn avoid him all of sudden but when Zayn told him he had feeling for Harry, Harry started to be confused. Louis couldn't handle the fact Harry might have got feelings for Zayn so he let Harry decide. Of course Harry chose for Louis. At this moment, ten years have passed, and that's where the story goes on... c:
Okay pretty much words and it's okay if you didn't understand everything haah c:
I went to the 'voor-première' it was so amazing, I bet you will LOVE the movie, damn. c:
1 decennium geledenYeah we're doing a roleplay. (: Once I was bored so I suggested to do one, and Sara agreed.^^ Do you want to know what happened in the roleplay in short lines ? Haha (:
It is right aha :c
1 decennium geledenI have actually, two days ago! It was so amazing and wauw. What about you?(:
I guess I am fine, thanks for asking c: How are you?
1 decennium geleden