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Ilse / Ilsee (Il-sie

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Photography, bands, going to festivals, Game Of Thrones, etc.



I will take what is mine with fire and blood.
~ Daenerys Targaryen


Will we ever see the end?


House Targaryen
House Targaryen is a noble family of Valyrian descent, and is the only family of dragonlords who survived the Doom of Valyria. They left Valyria twelve years before the Doom occurred and resided for more than a century on the island of Dragonstone, until Aegon the Conqueror and his sister-wives began their conquest in 2 BC. House Targaryen ruled as the kings on the Iron Throne and as the Great House of the crownlands for nearly three hundred years. A total of thirteen Targaryens kings sat on the Iron Throne, until the reign of Aerys II Targaryen ended with Robert's Rebellion, in which the Targaryens were overthrown. The two surviving children of Aerys II, Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen, fled into exile, and have resided in Essos ever since.

My name is... Ilse, nickname Ilsee (pronounced with the ee in squeer), artist name Sigourney

Why I joined Quizlet... In my childhood days I used Quizlet a lot, around the beginning of high school I quit. But out of curiosity I rejoined.

Language... Dutch & English. I prefer English, because English is badass.

Eye colour... Deep brown.

Hair colour... Dark purple-like red, dyed. Real hair color mid brunette.

I'm totally geeking about... Game of Thrones, Star Wars, The DC Universe, also used to be a huge Harry Potter and Hunger Games fan.

Addicted to... Game of Thrones, McDonald's, sleeping.

Favourite food... McDonald's, lasagne, frikandellen, ceasar salad, roasted potatoes

House (GoT)... Half Targaryen. Part Tyrell. Other part Baratheon.

Hogwarts house... Slytherin

I am a... student, someone's girlfriend, amateur actor at the local drama club and hobbyist photographer with my own little company.

Some of the bands I listen to:
Bring Me The Horizon
Arctic Monkeys
Panic! At The Disco
My Chemical Romance
Fall Out Boy
Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Pixies
Twenty One Pilots
Green Day

Melanie Martinez
David Bowie


7 jaar geleden

7 jaar geleden

1 uur 54 minuten

421 [24 uur]











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