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Someday One Direction are going to come to an end. Someday when I’ll have children and grandchildren, my grandchildren will read the news and they will say ‘Granny,(One if the boys died). Who is he?’ Then I’m gonna go in my room and look at my stuff, CDs, I’ll switch them on and tears will begin to flow from my eyes. I’ll look at thousands of magazines, their pictures, that piece of paper, that ticket which brought me so much happiness, I’ll watch their videos, read their books.. I’ll remember of the they when I met them, the day when I saw their eyes, hair, their smiles, heard their voices…. I’ll remember the day when I first heard What Makes You Beautiful. I’ll remember all fights I had with haters, all Directioners who I met over the Internet… I will remember Nando’s, TOMS, Toy Story and Dimples. The first time when I went to their concert…The tears which I wept….I will remember the first time when I watched A Year In The Making, their videos….I felt so close to them….Pride, passion, love, all their learning…. So many memories, so many dreams, so many emotions will come to me while tears will falling. My ears will remember screaming on the concert, my anticipations. I’ll remember that One Direction love me. I’ll remember every sentence, all their mistakes. Then my grandchildren will come and they’ll ask what happened? I will smile and say to them, "These boys were the first boys I have ever loved. They taught me that dreams come true and that distance isn’t problem for love, that friendship is most important, they taught to help people in need, they taught me that all of us are beautiful. How much it hurts me, I’m happy because that man is in heaven and for the first time he is around the angels, like he is and they all are." I will look through the window and say: "Goodbye Louis, Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn. I will always love you and I will never, ever forget you".

Proud directioner


1 decennium geleden

9 jaar geleden

3 weken 4 dagen

2480 [24 uur]











Gastenboek (67)


    Jep zullen we ook samen cry sessions with icecream houden? Net zoals de boys? D:
    Achja, Ik heb al tegen JustMyselfx gezegd dat als ze eens hier naar Nederland komen dat we ze gaan stalken met een huge spandoek (: Goed idee? (: x.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Bumfuzzle

    Hi, ik zag dat je een abbo had genomen op mijn story!! Ik wil je heeeeeel erg bedanken!!!
    Xx JustIkku(flower)

    1 decennium geleden

    Awhh Veel sterkte dan in ieder geval! ^^
    Ja bij mijn opa moesten er zelfs mensen staan, Ik vond het wel mooi dat ze toch allemaal gekomen waren. Terwijl sommige mensen mijn opa al bijna jaren niet meer gezien hadden. ^^
    Oke doe maar rustig aan hahaha (:

    1 decennium geleden

    Aww dat is lief van je om te zeggen (:
    Hoe gaat het met je verder? (:

    1 decennium geleden
  • Clingy

    Hello! (:
    Ik zag dat je 1D fan bent, misschien zou je het leuk vinden om mijn verhaal te lezen?
    Tied together with a smile | Stylinson
    Sorry voor de reclame! :$

    1 decennium geleden

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