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Leess eventjes voor mijn en Loentje ; I'm in love with you but you're my brother-Niall Horan en ooookk voor Leperchaun My fight against cancer. || One Direction. thank youu so muchh xx

ik moet hier reclame maken want,
Ik heb mn story verwijderd.. het was heel slecht geschreven, maar ik maak waarschijnlijk weer een nieuwe als ik tijd heb om ook echt te schrijven :)

"I want a girl that doesn't know she's beautiful, so i have an excuse to let her know all the time."- Zayn Malik

"Everyone deserves to feel good about themselves, and if you don't than start because everybody is beautiful."- Niall Horan

"I think you just know if someone likes you for who you are or for who they think you are."- Harry Styles

"I secretly want to be a zebra, that's why I wear stripes all the time."- Louis Tomlinson

"If I was Simon Cowell for a day, i would buy a boucy castle and bounce on it then... pour ketchup over myself."- Liam Payne

Just because you're not perfect, doesn't mean you're not beautiful."-Zayn Malik..

Girls are the same all over the world aren't they? They're all beautiful"-Liam Payne..

Never look back, reminising on yesterday, smile for the future, tomorrow’s a new day. -Zayn Malik

Get on with life, because life gets on without you - Zayn Malik.

Ther is something with Harry and Louis that we can never explain."-Niall Horan

Just close your eyes and enjoy the roller coaster that is life - Zayn Malik

Sometimes, the girls hug all boys except me, and I just smile, but it hurts- Niall Horan..

Never live life in fear of death - Zayn Malik

It only takes a second to call a girl fat and she will take a lifetime trying to starve herself thinking before acting - Harry Styles

We have a choice to live or excist - Harry Styles

You may not be plastic but your fantastic - Louis Tomlinson

The fans are always telling me I`m beautiful but no one will ever be as beautiful as them - Niall Horan

Why are directioners the best?
Well, this is why this fandom is the best: Remember when Zayn and Harry went to a club in Australia? They were drunk, Zayn was screaming 'YOLO, FUCKING YOLO' all the time and when a random girl tried to kiss Harry he shouted: 'FUCK OFF.' One day earlier the same happened to Zayn and Louis. They went to a club and were nearly hitted by a car because they were drunk. If Justin Bieber or whoever else did all these things, the fans won't be happy with that, but we Directioners were like: ''Omg hahah, these crazy boys are my idols, I love them, omg, this is so funny!'' And that's just one reason why Directioners are amazing. Another example: When a hater calls Justin Bieber gay, all Beliebers are angry about that. ''Justin isn't gay, he's our hero, shut the fuck up.' But when a hater calls One Direction gay, this is what Directioners say: 'Yes they are. I ship Larry and Ziam, what about you?' And there are more reasons. You know Danielle,Eleanor and Perrie right? All real Directioners love them, we're happy for Liam and Louis that they have a girlfriend and we'll never hate on those girls because we love them ver much. One day Peazer Perfect was a trending topic on twitter, so yeah. What I want to say with this is that we don't care about what the haters say. We just let them hate, unless they say things that are just too horrible. We love everything, seriously everything what the boys do, even when those things are crazy. And at least: We've always got their back, no matter what. So yeah, I think Directioners are cool. Very cool.(:

Twinkle Twinkle Liam Payne,

Louis, Harry, Niall and Zayn

One direction rule my life,

Ya know I'm Niall's future wife

Twinkle Twinkle Liam Payne, Louis, Harry, Niall And Zayn

One carrot loving boy.

One spoon scared boy.

One curly haired boy.

One Irish boy.

One vas happenin' boy.

I’m not obsessed, I’m dedicated.

I’m not a fan, I’m a Directioner.

Louis, Harry, Niall, Zayn & Liam aren’t just names, they’re my life.

They make me smile so much & have brought so much greatness into my life.


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Gastenboek (51)

  • junghoseok

    helloooo there,

    Sorry als je reclame haat, als ik jou was dan zou ik niet veder lezen haha

    Maar wil je alsjeblieft een kijkje nemen bij mijn Zayn storyy (:

    Survivor • Zayn J. Malik

    Bedankt als je een kijkje neemt (:


    1 decennium geleden
  • JawaadS

    Woaah, i like your profile.

    ps. Zou je een kijkje kunnen nemen bij mijn vriendin´s story.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Lexia

    Hey quizleter xD
    Ik ben nieuw en heb een verhaal...
    Zou je een kijkje willen nemen?
    Alvast bedankt en sorry als je reclame haat :)

    1 decennium geleden
  • CrazyNialler

    Thank you!!! xx love you <3 :)

    1 decennium geleden
  • CrazyNialler

    Omg jouw profiel is echt amazayn. Zou je misschien een kijkje willen nemen bij mijn story over Zayn?? Ik ben nog maar net begonnen en ik zoek meer abo's. xx love you. :)

    1 decennium geleden

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