Even Geduld...
 Qrew zet de volgende story in the spotlight: The Height of Dishonour [FOTY]



Laatst online: 3 jaar, 316 dagen geleden


ilubluke is offline






There will come a time when we will stop using our twitter and tumblr accounts that are dedicated to One Direction. We might stop using them because the fandom breaks apart, it might be because the boys break up, or it might just be because we grow up. But when that time comes, we'll deactivate, tear down the posters, hide away all the merch we've bought over the the years. Then, a few years later, when we're married, with a house and kids, you might hear that first single played on the radio on the way home from work one day. Tears will start to fall from your eyes and you'll pull to the side of the road, as it all comes pouring back. The tours, the interviews, the laughs, the cries; the memories. You'll think about those 5 boys, who changed your life, the only boys who could make you feel beautiful, feel like you were worth something. You'll think about all of the amazing friends that you met because of those boys and wonder why you never stayed in touch with them. You'll realize how lucky you were to be a part of the amazing journey of One Direction; how amazing it was to be in the fandom that had meant so much to you all of those years ago. You'll remember every little detail about what happened with those 5 incredible boys and how proud you were of them for living their dreams. You'll realize that there are fans just like you all over the world, thinking about this at the same time as you. Because fandoms never really die out. We never really move on. We never really forget.

Forget all the reasons why it won't work, and believe the reason why it will.

1 decennium geleden

3 jaar geleden

5 dagen 8 uur

5706 [24 uur]











Gastenboek (242)

  • Rozenthee

    Hey!! What's Up! Hoe staat het ermee?

    6 jaar geleden
  • Dooddoenervo

    Ik kom gewoon even hallo zeggen :)

    6 jaar geleden
  • Scandal

    Je bent al een tijdje niet online geweest. Kan ik je ergens mee helpen?

    7 jaar geleden
  • Stirling

    Hoi, zin om te praten?

    7 jaar geleden
  • Theorem


    7 jaar geleden

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