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Emo.: So what if I'm emo?
So what if I cry?

I'm not THAT emotional,
I dont want to die.

So what if I dress in a different style?
There's no need to scream and run for a mile

I dont like to cut and abuse my arm,
I am not depressed,
so why cause self harm?

Could it be that I am just like you?
That I can smile, giggle and laugh along too?

Could it be that I am happy with myself?
It's just that I am not some pretty doll on the shelf.

Could it be that the only reason i dye my hair black;
Is because I dont want to be some barbie in a bimbo girl pack.

These are the reasons, and I'll tell you why,
that I dont look in the mirror and start to cry.

I know Im not perfect,
I'm sure you will agree

But I am so very positive,
as positive as can be

That Im not like you,
Oh dont make me laugh!
I dont spend hours on my make-up's mask

I'm totally self-confident,
Ill smile for all to see.

Because the great thing about being emo,
Is that I am happy, with just being me.

Dont be afraid of who you are.


Green Day has changed my life forever

They've thaught me it's okay to be the person you want to be
To have your own opinion and follow your own beliefs

They've thaught me it's okay to be the minority

So here I am, being who I am, being the minority and I'm so damn proud of it!


1 decennium geleden

1 decennium geleden

5 dagen 3 uur

2369 [24 uur]











4 Creaties van greendayy

Gastenboek (55)

  • kelke97

    hey anne kom jij donderdag gewoon naar mij, toe. als je dan weer te laat bent moet je ff bellen.
    xx k;)

    1 decennium geleden
  • LuxuryRebel

    Hey, ik wou even Dank Je Wel zeggen voor de verjaardags wensen (lol)


    Above The Noise <3

    1 decennium geleden
  • LuxuryRebel

    Dank Je Wel <3

    1 decennium geleden
  • Hopefulness

    Dankjewel poppetje voor je reactie op het laatste hoofdstuk van Roses From Russia. I hope you enjoyed it! ^^ x

    1 decennium geleden
  • FireGirl

    haha nee ben ik vergeten.

    moet ik nog doen.:S

    tanks voor de waarschuwing

    1 decennium geleden

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