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amberkishatu is offline

in my own story


Voetbal, Hiphop, schrijven en zingen.


pesto1, zita1, ambercullens, ambermalfoy, amberkroaler

Hallo iedereen en welkom op mijn profiel.

Ever After High
Harry Potter (Draco Malfoy ,mattheo riddle, tom riddle fan)
Monster High
Winx Club

I am proud of Harry for dying in the hope to save everyone.

I am proud of Hermione for being the best role model ever.

I am proud of Ron for being such a caring brother for Ginny.

I am proud of Luna for being herself no matter who or what.

I am proud of Ginny for never really giving up on her true love.

I am proud of Neville for standing up for what he believes in.

I am proud of Draco for almost making the right descision

I am proud of Lily for refusing to step aside for Voldemort.

I am proud of Dumbledore for seeing the best in people.

I am proud of Snape for protecting Harry

I am proud of Sirius for being the best godfather, ever.

I am proud of Lupin for teaching Harry Expecto Patronum.

I am proud of Dobby for being loyal to Harry at every moment.

I am proud of Hedwig for trying to protect Harry.

I am proud of Fred and George for making people laugh in dark times.

I am proud of Tonks for wanting to be with the one she loves, no matter what.

I am proud of Fleur for not giving a damn about Bill's looks.

I am proud of Madeye for putting all those Death Eaters in Azkaban.

I am proud of Molly for loving Harry like her own son.

I am proud of Gilderoy Lockhart for creating my childhood.

Thank you, Harry Potter.

Honourable mentions of some amazing people :

Bedankt GLaDOS legonardo Naruto565 junsly en N00bface
Zeer goede vriendin van me hier op quizlet:whyislovepain
optimism quote:''Because a real blader never gives up,if you give up it's all over.It's true,i lose more than once in the beyblade world champion ship but each time i did i grab my teeth and come back up.It's makes me how i am today''-Masamune Kadoya

"I wonder if life smokes after it fucks me"

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30 Creaties van amberkishatu

Gastenboek (486)

  • GLaDOS

    jij gemeen *gaat boos in de hoek staan* (baby) :@

    1 decennium geleden
  • GLaDOS

    wie was de jongen

    1 decennium geleden
  • adorepaulien

    Is goed ik waarschuw je wel voor een nieuw hoofdstuk :)

    1 decennium geleden
  • ZeroHorizon459

    Nieuw hoofdstuk anime high. Slaap lekker.

    1 decennium geleden
  • SuperLgirl

    (PS: je mag opdracht 3 gaan doen...)

    1 decennium geleden

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