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I just can't get enough. Never ever. No, I'm not a stalker
Hij was alles. Alles, dat door mijn gedachten heen ging. Ik vroeg me soms af: ‘Hoe kreeg ik deze enige gedachte uit mijn hoofd en hoe kon ik hem vervangen door iets anders?’. Een beetje afwisseling deed nooit iemand kwaad, toch? Wanneer die ene speciale persoon je vertelt dat hij je graag ziet is toch een gevoel dat niemand kan omschrijven? Ik heb het al meerdere keren geprobeerd maar toch lukt het me niet juist om de correcte woorden te vinden die deze omschrijving zouden moeten vullen. Gewend te zijn om heel de dag een gesprek te voeren met hem en wanneer dit opeens stopt, weet je niet wat je met je leven kan doen. Je wil verder gaan en alles vergeten, een verse start hoe sommigen het noemen. Teveel tijd om na te denken, teveel tijd om te twijfelen en teveel tijd om te vergeten.
He was everything. Everything, that was going through my mind. I asked myself sometimes: ‘How do I get this single thought out of my head and replace it with something new?’. Een little bit change never hurt nobody, right? When that one special person tells you he loves you, that’s a feeling no one in the world can describe. I’ve tried many times but I could never quite find the words I was looking for, words that could fill this description. Being used to talk to a person all day and then suddenly it stops, it is very hard to just go on and live your life. You want to move on and forget everything, a fresh start as some people call it. Too much time to think, to doubt about everything that’s going on even to much time to forget.
He was everything. Everything, that was going through my mind. I asked myself sometimes: ‘How do I get this single thought out of my head and replace it with something new?’. Een little bit change never hurt nobody, right? When that one special person tells you he loves you, that’s a feeling no one in the world can describe. I’ve tried many times but I could never quite find the words I was looking for, words that could fill this description. Being used to talk to a person all day and then suddenly it stops, it is very hard to just go on and live your life. You want to move on and forget everything, a fresh start as some people call it. Too much time to think, to doubt about everything that’s going on even to much time to forget.
Directioner, Belieber and so much more. I spend my days fangirling, protecting those who need it. Forever.
The person who listens to all my boring stories but listens to me anyways Chair
I'm just beautiful me.
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