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x_smileforme_x is offline





Leonardo DiCaprio (H)

This is life in one song (H)

You're second hand smoke // You're Second hand smoke // I breath you in // but honey // I don't know what you're doing to me // Mon Cheri // but the truth catches up with us// eventually // Tryna say live // live and let live // I'm no good good // admit to this // Second is yours, need a little more // I'm coming for you, and I'm in // W A R

M: You know what? Fuck you guys, I'm leaving tho!
A: Hey! Don't swear!
M: I can do what I want. I'm punk rock!
C: No, you're not.
A: Just because you're wearing eyeliner doesn't make you punk rock.
C: You have pink hair!
M: Well... Fuck you!

I'm not you
You're not me
I'm a different kind of sailor
On a different kind of sea

So let me rise
Let me fall
I know you learned the hard way
And still don't know it all

So pray for love
Pray for love (mmh)
Love me


A friend is a gift whose worth cannot be measured, except by the heart

9 jaar geleden

2 jaar geleden

3 weken 7 uur

3568 [24 uur]











12 Creaties van x_smileforme_x

Gastenboek (69)

  • lUcOzAdE


    Ik wil je heel erg bedanken voor je abo op Badboy.

    8 jaar geleden
  • King_Boo

    Aahdhfldlaks calum <3

    8 jaar geleden
  • King_Boo

    Ja die is geweldig x)
    5SOS had dat nummer toevallig gecovered ^^ You should try more of them haha.
    Mijn obsessie met 5sos is ernstig want ik ken - zonder te liegen haha- al hun liedjes met grotendeels met tekst.
    Ik ken helaas alleen weinig mensen die fan zijn van hun.

    8 jaar geleden
  • King_Boo

    I like your taste of music ^^ now i was wondering if you know blink-182 to? Hahaha vast wel als van 5sos fan bent :p.

    8 jaar geleden
  • Rianbows

    dat klopt

    8 jaar geleden

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