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Never Land
Being Annoying
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sticks and stones might break my bones but chains and whips excite me.
'I’m honestly not sure where this life is going
And I just as honestly do not care
So long as I can love
And be loved
So long as I can inspire
And be inspired
So long as the sun keeps sliding through the sky,
And the rain still falls on occasion,
I’m sure that whatever supremely awaits me
Shall come
And when finality brings itself to me
I will not run and vainly avoid the inevitable
I will cast my arms out and blindly
Embrace my end
Just as I have always embraced whatever
Has come with the wind.'
Spencer Bell
(R.I.P Spencer -December 3rd, 2006)
Sadistic : My Mistress, she is the freaking best, liebe her! <3
MissColfer : My bestie, love her so much! <3
Complained : My SoulMate Aka SM! For life <3 ILY
sticks and stones might break my bones but chains and whips excite me
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*Strikes a brutal blow to Janes ass to make her scream on the top of her lungs and smiles a sadistic grin. Rubs the skin slightly to remove the pressure and comfort her, then gives another one to turn her ass and upper thighs to a zebraskin.* You will look so beautifull for your Mistress.
1 decennium geledenHihihi, poor guy.

1 decennium geleden*Strokes down Janes beautifull ass, feeling the warmth and lust but decides to make her beg a little while longer and gets out the paddle to make those cheeks even brighter.*
You know, you might just want to be dominated by me.
1 decennium geleden*Gives a big smile*
*Walks around Jane, stroking her fingers over her back but staying out of her reach so she doesn't know where it comes from. Then smacks her ass hard to make her yell and again to make it nice and red.*
I can teach your man a couple of things in general ... about serving women for example. Haha, I might send you a great example from Goddess Starla later on.

1 decennium geleden*Puts on a blindfold on Jane and gives her a ballgag, after wich she puts her on all fours and clips her hands into cuffs, her legs into a spreader.* Do you want me to be nice ?
*Pulls Jane on her knees by her hair and strokes down her neck to her breasts, but smacks her playfully when she shivers.*
1 decennium geleden