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My own little word <3


gedichten schrijven, gitaar spelen, foto's maken

Hallo ofzo?

ik ben Larissa
ik ben nogal verlegen maar bij me vrienden kan ik ook wel druk zijn
ik benonzekeren ik hou er niet van om over mezelf te praten, dus schrijf ik me gevoel in gedichten.

I love..
gedichten schrijven
gitaar spelen
muziek, it helps me going <3

I hate..
school [ met die rot kinders!!]
van die sletjes
mensen die zichzelf de beste vinden

My favo song <33

You see these cuts and bruises
Isn't this all so amusing
I feel the emptiness of just a another day in hell (day in hell)
My life is so confusing
Do this to myself I'm losing
Guess I'm only proving
What everyone can see but me

And I won't let myself be happy
I cut myself just to feel the pain
And I won't give up anything for you
I'm going down and no one can save me
Were going down and no one can save me

I am cold my legs are shaking
Theres no hope right now I'm begging
For just one sight to show me someone out there really cares (really cares)
My clothes are soaked I'm crying
Theres no doubt I know I'm dieing
I did this to myself and that's the part I can't believe

And I won't let myself be happy
I cut myself just to feel the pain
And I won't give up anything for you
I'm going down and no one can save me
Were going down and no one can save me
Going down and no one can save me

These cuts and bruises are all self inflicted
These cuts and bruises are all self inflicted
These cuts and bruises are all self inflicted
These cuts and bruises are all self inflicted

I won't let myself be happy
I cut myself just to feel the pain
And I won't give up anything for you
We're going down and no one can save me
I'm going down and no one can save me
I'm going down and no one can save me
We're going down and no one can save me
Going down and no one can save me


1 decennium geleden

1 decennium geleden

13 uur 18 minuten

618 [24 uur]











Gastenboek (9)

  • Hildeexxx

    Het is raar maar hat werkt ! Wil je het portret zien van je ware liefde ? stuur dan het bericht aan 10 personen en gaat op deze site :

    Je zal het portret zien van het persoon dat van je houd. je zal verrast zijn

    (het portret is 90% betrouwbaar)

    1 decennium geleden
  • EmowGirly

    voort maake van me quizjee

    1 decennium geleden
  • EmowGirly


    1 decennium geleden
  • LetsxDance

    Woessh. ;p

    I love joe tooo . <3 xD

    1 decennium geleden

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