

Laatst online: 9 jaar, 243 dagen geleden


yawn is offline



Enjoying my life (:



Mirror is my best friend because when I cry it never laughs.

i love every single one of them

the bucketlist

- throw a pie at someone's face
- meet the person im going to marry
- have a love like allie and noah's
- adopt a puppy
- travel aroud the world
- put soap in a public fountain
- slow dance in the rain
- put glow sticks in a pool and go swimming
- study abroad
- have the perfect summer body
- kiss under the eiffel tower
- have the best summer ever
- go to the airport and buy a ticket for a random flight
- watch fireworks while swimming in the ocean
- find a heart shaped rose
- have a wardrobe i actually like
- wear pink every wednesday
- send a message in a bottle
- go on a cruise
- sleep under the stars
- sneak of my house to meet someone cute
- skydive
- go on a safari
- spend an entire day in my pajamas
- live in a pent house in new york
- play hide and seek in Ikea
- learn how to tie a knot in cherry stem using my tongue
- visit britain with my best friend
- go to juliet's house in verona
- crowd surf
- have a mud fight
- spend a whole day at the beach with a cute stranger
- try all the m&m flavors
- kiss in the snow
- visit all of the locations where my favorite movies were fimed and take a picture
- participate in a color run
- have a bake sale
- road trips in the summertime
- build a blanket fort with someone i love
- get tickets to the ellen show
- open a bakery
- go to a drive-in movie
- stay at a hostel
- own the dog i've Always wanted
- visit abbey road and recreate the beatles cover
- plan my best friends wedding
- spend a whole day watching chick flicks
- kiss under the mistletoe
- spend an entire day watching Disney movies
- ride the london eye
- ride the blob
- jump off a waterfall
- do a back walk over
- own a polaroid camera
- learn to draw well
- go on a holiday with the one i love
- share some honey with pooh
- learn how to skate
- get pushed up a wall whille being kissed
- receive an infinity necklace
- go on a Disney cruise
- cliff jump
- go to Disney world with my best friend
- go on a date at Starbucks during the holidays
- get in a taxi and yell, "follow that car!"
- go on a camping trip with all of my friends
- buy everyting i've ever wanted from the body shop
- be in a flashmob
- ride in a private jet
- watch the Sunrise at the beach
- receive 365 letters, one every day for a year
- ride in the bakc of a pick up truck
- buy a beach house
- visit new york city
- ride in a hot air baloon
- go to an masquerade ball
- walk on grapes to make grapejuice
- cover someone's car in post-it notes
- unplug for 48 hour
- knit 100 scarves for homeless people
- make my own pinata
- shave a coconut
- watch the victoria's secret fashion show live
- try very fragrance at bath and body works
- jump off a pier
- yell "andy's coming" in front of toy story's characters at Disney
- have flawless skin
- paint with bubbles
- lose ten pouds
- say 'yes' to everything for a full day
- get my legs thinner
- go to a water park with all my friends
- go to a big house party
- be prom queen
- go to Hawaii
- get a henna tattoo
- stay at an underwater hotel at fiji
- have floating lanterns at my wedding
- be in my best friend's wedding
- go on an no-budget make-up shopping spree
- party on a yacht
- complete a scrapbook
- try every drink at Starbucks
- celebrate st patrick's day in ireland
- play messy twister
- work at Disney
- give my bff a cake that says 'happy birthday bitch'
- use a fake name at Starbucks
- wear color eye lenses
- throw a slushie at somebody's face
- own all the pink collection
- eat less
- buy my first own apartment
- go to nando's
- go to carlo's bake shop
- make a world record
- wear a costume and hug random people
- rope swing into water
- make a crayon melt
- finish a wreck this journal
- take cute pictures in a photobooth with the one i love
- shop at the mall of america
- work for a fashion magazine
- go to spa resort
- visit playboy mansion
- learn how to play the ukelele
- take a picture of my outfit erveryday of the year
- ride a zipline
- receive a makeover
- go shopping everyday for one week
- hold a free hugs sign
- throw a drink in someone's face
- breathe in helium
- go to a party like project x
- ride in a limousine
- go to central park zoo
- become popular
- go to tomorrowland
- go on a no-budget shopping spree at forever 21
- go aroud with a shirt that says life and hand people lemons
- join the cheerleaders
- become a professional make-up artist
- go to an abercrombie party with hot guys
- own jeffrey campbell shoes
- start a blog
- write something in wet cement
- try every cheesecake at the cheesecake factory
- find a four leaf clover
- throw a pizza through the air like a frisbee
- learn how to make ice cream
- create a new flavor of ben & jerry's ice cream

reclame is welkom, ik zie wel of ik het lees (flower)

Charlie bit me, and it hurts .

1 decennium geleden

9 jaar geleden

5 dagen 23 uur

6638 [24 uur]











Gastenboek (188)

  • Fagerman

    You are amazing, unique and beautiful.
    There is nothing more you need to be,
    do or have in order to be happy.
    You are perfect just as you are.
    Yes, really. So smile, give love
    and enjoy every moment
    of this precious life.

    Who I am? That doesn't matter...

    1 decennium geleden
  • Derpymofo

    sorry voor de reclame, maar....
    het zou echt superfijn zijn als hier heel even kon kijken, ik heb pas een abo en het staat er al best lang en ik vind het jammer als niemand het leest.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Manonxxx

    vind het wel leuk. :D


    1 decennium geleden
  • Avon

    Ik snap niet dat ze haar alleen maar haten omdat ze zichzelf is.. ugh

    1 decennium geleden
  • Avon

    Yes, thank god dat er nog iemand is die miley leuk vind. I like you(cool)

    1 decennium geleden

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