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Novilunium ▸ the new moon
I just really wanted to sleep.
What was the expression again? Bone deep? Something very thoroughly or deeply felt. It didn’t quite do justice to what I felt while regaining some of my senses, at least enough to state I was aware of certain things, like the ache ruling every muscle making up my body, or the way warmth was slowly seeping back into my limbs, or the fact that ‘bone deep’ did not really do justice to the exhaustion weighing down on me, now did it? Marrow deep, soul deep, essence deep; like I had been built from it and so would never be able to shake it. I knew I would, had proven I could, had done it before. Too many times I had and still there was that stupidly naive hope this would be the last time I’d have to fight it. Almost never alone though. Yes, I was growing aware of certain things. Someone's body heat bleeding through layers of clothes to soak into icy skin, a steady heartbeat to focus on, sure fingers massaging my scalp and mussing up an undoubtedly tangled mop of hair as they tried to soothe. Maybe it was because I was still so out of it or maybe it was because he wasn’t done torturing me yet, but for a fraction of time I could swear it was forest and oil and metal I smelled instead of sage and rosemary and so many other herbs it blocked out all else---for a fraction of time I could recall exactly that hum in my chest I hadn’t felt for months now. A fraction of time and it was gone and that hum hadn’t been there at all and there was no forest or oil or metal and there was no moon. There was no moon. I just really wanted to sleep. |
Marrow deep, soul deep, essence deep
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Hiya! :'D Herinner jij je nog Nox en Eli ?
3 jaar geledenJaa, lijkt mij een goed idee. We zullen wel zien hoe het schip strand, hehe
3 jaar geledenJaa, ze zijn inderdaad totaal het tegenovergestelde van elkaar, haha. Hmm, Milly zal welrespect hebben voor Nève. Milly is niet bepaalt een persoon die snel moeite met andere heeft, maar ik gok dat ze niet echt vriendinnen zullen worden. Misschien kan Nève een kamer huren in The Hollow Bird? Aangezien er meerder van de Poisonous Rose een kamer bij haar huren. Of heb jij nog andere ideeën?
3 jaar geledenHey hey,
3 jaar geledenIk vroeg me af of je misschien iets wilt afspreken tussen Ninève en Milly?
3 jaar geledenJa lijkt me leuk! Misschien dat ze elkaar eerder nog niet hebben ontmoet? of tenminste niet gesproken (misschien wel gezien etc?)