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Things i hate:
i hate people who say supposably. if you say supposably,i probably hate you.
"I hate it, when I go to someones house and their dog jumps all over me, and then the owner says 'Oh it's okay, he's friendly!' Guess what? I'm not! Get your dog off me!"
i hate people who put ketchup on hotdogs it makes me zo hatred.
Feel the power of my toes!
things i love:
i love scissors, i love the sound they made. love it!
i love coffee ,sometimes I want to marry with coffee
one thime my grandma said to me: Jade, when you grow up, what kind of man do you want to marry?
and is said: I want to marry a man like coffee.
and she goes: But what does that mean?
so i said: Hey! Get out of here, Grandma!!
i hate people who say supposably. if you say supposably,i probably hate you.
"I hate it, when I go to someones house and their dog jumps all over me, and then the owner says 'Oh it's okay, he's friendly!' Guess what? I'm not! Get your dog off me!"
i hate people who put ketchup on hotdogs it makes me zo hatred.
Feel the power of my toes!
things i love:
i love scissors, i love the sound they made. love it!
i love coffee ,sometimes I want to marry with coffee
one thime my grandma said to me: Jade, when you grow up, what kind of man do you want to marry?
and is said: I want to marry a man like coffee.
and she goes: But what does that mean?
so i said: Hey! Get out of here, Grandma!!
living with the day
1 decennium geleden
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1 decennium geleden
Tijd on-line:
1 dagen 17 uur
1985 [24 uur]
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2 nieuwe hoofdstukken van My love is your pain
1 decennium geledenIk ga of nog 1 hele lange doen als eind
of 2 korte hoofdstukken
Lieve abonnee,
1 decennium geledenBij deze wens ik je een hele fijne kerst!
Ook wil ik je bedanken voor het lezen van mijn verhaal!
Het is mogelijk dat je hfs. 66 t/m 74 niet gezien hebt, doordat de mail raar doet.
Tnx voor je reactie op me verhaal.
1 decennium geledenW srry ik ben ook geen fan maar jaik schrijf wel verhalen
1 decennium geledenHeeeey ik ben nieuw op quizlet en ik heb nieuwe verhaaal wil je pleas lezen justin b en jasmine v en de kardashians zitten erin
1 decennium geleden