Even Geduld...
 Frodo zet de volgende story in the spotlight: Tinten van Turian - GRIJS (SOTY)



Laatst online: 2 jaar, 231 dagen geleden


Adelyna is offline



Muziek luisteren, films/series kijken, gezellig met vrienden zijn, lezen, schrijven en mijn vriendje!


• A library is a hospital for the mind •

Her heart was an open book with beautiful pages and detailed lettering.
She wanted people to read het story in hopes that it would make them write their own.

Instead, every person who came across the pages of her heart ripped out their favorite story and took it with them.
They folded back pages and bent up the corners.
They signed with sloppy writing and with a simple 'goodbye'.

This book is now tucked away in the darkest part of her,
because no one wants to read a tragic story with a bad end.
- k.b.g

• Reading makes you better •

• Earth laughs in flowers •

If you love a flower,
Don't pick it up.
Because if you pick it up,
it dies and ceases to be what you love.
Love is not a possession.
Love is about appreciation.
- Osho

• I'd rather wear flowers in my hair, than diamonds around my neck •

• The biggest problem in the universe,
is no one helps each other. •

There is a castle on a cloud.
I like to go there in my sleep.
Aren't any floors for me to sweep.
Not in my castle on a cloud.

I know a place where no one's lost.
I know a place where no one cries.
Crying at all is not allowed.
Not in my castle on a cloud.

• Second star to the right
and straight on 'til morning. •


Doing what you like is freedom, liking what you do is happiness.

8 jaar geleden

2 jaar geleden

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1575 [24 uur]











4 Creaties van Adelyna

Gastenboek (8)

  • Theorem

    Je bent al een tijdje niet online geweest. Kan ik je ergens mee helpen?

    6 jaar geleden
  • Ristridin

    Ik kom gewoon even hallo zeggen :)

    7 jaar geleden
  • Dooddoenervo

    Hey!! What's Up! Hoe staat het ermee?

    7 jaar geleden
  • Ledecky

    Let's party! (banana)

    7 jaar geleden
  • Ledecky

    Hoi, zin om te praten?

    7 jaar geleden

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