Er was eerst zo'n topic over een site met zo'n robot -een arabier ofzo o.o- en die kon raden welke beroemdheid je in je hoofd had aan de hand van een aantal vragen, maar ik ben hem kwijt. Weet iemand die nog? o,o
Ik dacht aan Chace Crawford, en dat had hij echt met belachelijk weinig vragen geraden
Is your character real? Yes Is your character a singer, or does he work with a singer (as a songwriter, producer, musician...)? No Is your character a woman ? No Is your character an actor? Yes Is your character American ? Yes Is your character currently more than 50 years old? No Does your character have children? No Is your character from a TV series? Yes Does your character mostly play in comedies? No Does your character play the role of a student? Yes Does your character dance while singing? No